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Northern Star

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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Latin vs. Greek

January 20, 1988

In the Dec. 11 issue of the Star, you printed a letter from the John Lennon Society decrying a fraternity for using an X-rated movie to raise finds. The JLS says "in fact, the word pornography is from the roots ‘pornos gratis' or ‘depiction of sexual...

Invalid argument

January 20, 1988

I would like to respond to the ridiculous letter to the editor by Dan Taylor that appeared in the Dec. 3 issue of the Northern Star. His unmasked hostility toward women and society does nothing to support his argument that women don't understand how difficult...

Trip to Las Vegas

January 20, 1988

I read the letter from Professor Harry (Dec. 7), and I sympathize with his view of the Las Vegas junket. I cannot agree with his remedy, however, for it may redound to the disadvantage of students down the years.

The more effective ploy is for potential donors to the NIU Foundation to give to specific funds—funds that support certain departments or certain classes of students. Such directed funds cannot be used for frivolous purposes.

May I also compliment Student Regent Valadez for his wise decision to stay home, and thereby to make a public statement about the operation.

Malcolm P. Weiss


Cut Big Jim’s pay

January 20, 1988

I am writing because I work for the state and because Gov. Thompson found it necessary to cut our pay increase this year. Then he found that he should give himself a pay increase. We, the people of the state of Illinois, are in fact his boss. We should...

Parking garages

January 20, 1988

As a commuting student I understand why the parking stickers are referred to as "hunting permits." Driving around the lots in circles, hoping someone will leave and praying you beat the next guy to the space is an everyday occurrence. Making more of the...

Inaccurate quotes

January 20, 1988

I continue to be impressed by (The Northern Star's) current and recent policy of conscientiously covering Board of Regents meetings so that you may adequately and accurately inform NIU students, faculty and staff and other interested readers about policy...

Live the dream

January 19, 1988

It is difficult to believe that nearly 20 years have passed since the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was felled by an assassin's bullet. As we pause this week to honor Dr. King with a national holiday, let us remember his "climb to the mountaintop" and his...

Even high school kids have free press rights

January 19, 1988

It's been four years since I walked the hallowed high school hallways in Chicago. As one might expect, some memories are so impressive, they never leave. The actions of five U.S. Supreme Court justices last Wednesday brought back some unpleasant memories...

Star grads: Do not shut the door on the way out

December 11, 1987

No guarantees of fun today. We're saying goodbye. No, no—don't get your hopes up. I'm not leaving. I'll be here next semester, same Bat-day, same Bat-column. But, like a lot of us, I'll be plugging away without some good people. Yes—today's topic,...

Studies necessary to assess CHANCE

December 11, 1987

In order for any university-related program to be successful, it first must begin with a clearly defined mission and have the means by which its effectiveness can be checked. The way to determine if a program's mission is being accomplished is by studying...

Stab in the back

December 11, 1987

This refers to the article in the Dec. 10 issue about the place kicker from DeKalb High School. It was a stab in the back to NIU's place kicker, John Ivanic, and I feel he deserves nothing but praise. Not only did he break three Huskie records and finish...

Poem from reader:

December 10, 1987

Shades of Gray Why can't we see through shades of gray? Why is God so cruel? Why is the world ignorant? Why can't we see through shades of gray? What is South Africa? What is prejudice? Maybe it's just people who haven't seen through shades of gray. Will...