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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Put below money

December 10, 1987

For those of you who have never been subjected to the process, (of being released fom a housing contract) you have missed a beautiful, interpersonal experience with a winning set of insensitive people. Ater you have completed your housing contract release...

Address morality of homosexuality

December 10, 1987

I have read both of Jim McDermott's letters that have appeared recently in the Northern Star. In an attempt to defend homosexuality, he has carefully avoided the issue of whether it is morally right or wrong. Instead, he has attacked society, charging...

Poem from reader:

December 10, 1987

Shades of Gray Why can't we see through shades of gray? Why is God so cruel? Why is the world ignorant? Why can't we see through shades of gray? What is South Africa? What is prejudice? Maybe it's just people who haven't seen through shades of gray. Will...

WKDI stuck on SA rollercoaster again

December 10, 1987

When the wrong people are empowered to make certain decisions, the results can be disastrous. When poor reasoning is behind those decisions, the results can be even worse. Such is the case with WKDI, currently on a down-swing of its ride on the Student...

Americans dangerously naive about terrorism

December 10, 1987

Reagan and Gorbachev seem to have hit it off well and are currently discussing important matters that may very well change forever the world we live in. But there is at least one important matter they are proboably not discussing—terrorism. Americans,...

Subleasing can be a tricky business

December 10, 1987

"Help me. I just found out that my roommate will not be back next semester. My landlord will evict me if I don't pay my roommate's share of the rent. What should I do?" Generally, you can be forced by the landlord to pay your roommate's share of the rent....

Students’ gift list for this Christmas

December 10, 1987

In keeping with the festive holiday season, I've accumulated the following gift list for NIU students, faculty, staff, organizations, etc. For NIU students: New batteries for their walkmans so that students can continue walking around campus caught up...

Useless wars

December 9, 1987

It is interesting that Mr. Groenhagen completely missed the point of this "yahoo's" letter in response to Mike Lacy's Nov. 12 column. My point was simply this: If this country wants to honor its vets, it should stop killing them in useless imperialist...

Curious allegations

December 9, 1987

In her Dec. 3 letter Ms. Kopriva implied that I don't care about the students' needs. Examples of mine and the SAMTB's recent responses to requests from the community are: a new stop at Lincoln Hwy. and Normal Rd. on Rt. 8 to better serve students at...

Rumor promotes even more fear

December 9, 1987

After reading the letter writen by Rich Schuch, commenting on Gretchyn Lenger's column, we felt that since rape is such an awful crime another response was in order. With the events that have transpired at NIU, the fear of rape has increased. We feel...

Look for long-term solutions

December 9, 1987

Billy Joel wrote a song a couple of years ago called, "You're Only Human—you're allowed to make your share of mistakes." As both the semester and calender year draw to a close, many people will choose to reflect on their humanness and possible changes...

Frigtening view

December 9, 1987

I would like to respond to Dan Taylor's Dec. 3 letter. Mr. Taylor, either you didn't realize the magnitude of what you were saying, or you have some severe problems you should probably get help for. You obviously have had negative experiences with women...