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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Stadium to get grass? Turf approval delayed

August 25, 1988

BACK TO SCHOOL ISSUE The Board of Regents has recently requested that approval of a new AstroTurf surface for Huskie Stadium be deferred until other alternatives are investigated. James Harder, Vice President of Business and Operations, said one option...

Make condom sales discreet

August 9, 1988

A proposal to place condom vending machines in some university buildings might be thought of as an offensive move by some. It might appear as a promotion of promiscuity to others. But when thoroughly considered, the proposal shows the university's concern...

Star record review

By Sean Noble | August 9, 1988

Page comes back with other talents Jimmy Page Outrider Geffen/Warner Bros. Records by Sean Noble campus editor Remember Jimmy Page? He had this definitive 1970s hard rock superband called Led Zeppelin, and fronted a pretty decent mid-1980s group known...

Mitchell misjudged

August 9, 1988

I must respond to your rather cloudy, ignorant attack on CHANCE Director Leroy Mitchell in your July 27 editorial. The problem, you suggest, is that Mr. Mitchell has stirred some "controversy," and is perhaps trying to manage "too much" as both administrator...

Facts misinterpreted

August 9, 1988

First of all many thanks for the kind words regarding the national recognition received recently by the Office of Sports Information in the July 13 Star. However, a few of the things I said to Tom Clegg were, I believe, misinterpreted—particularly in...

NIU first prospect for Wurlitzer land

August 9, 1988

A realtor representing the former Wurlitzer Corp. property said that although his firm has received several offers for the land, NIU remains the preferred potential tenant. Jonathon Miller, vice president of Equitable Real Estate Investment Management...

Answers demanded

August 2, 1988

I was brought up to think that one is rewarded or recognized only after hard work and good results are achieved. The news of Clyde Wingfield's fully paid unexplained sabbatical is appalling and the exact opposite of my upbringing and that of many other...

Contra aid charade

August 2, 1988

The Reagan Administration, which recently incited a violent demonstration in Nicaragua and then professed moral outrage when President Ortega reacted by expelling Ambassador Melton and tightening internal security, reminds me of the man who killed his...

Alderman responds

August 2, 1988

Let me respond to your July 27 editorial, "The alderman who cried wolf." Be assured I'll keep that one in the scrap book. The issue before my fellow citizens if DeKalb is what type of government do they want? Do they want an open and honest government...

Regents’ secret out of the bag

August 2, 1988

The Board of Regents' secret arrangement to give former NIU President Clyde Wingfield a one-year leave of absence with pay appears to be in violation of the Illinois Open Meetings Act. While it is up to the courts to decide whether the Regents' actions...

Research concerns

August 2, 1988

In a recent editorial, Sylvia Phillips spoke out against the use of animals in laboratory research. While I am troubled by the animal rights movement in general, I am particularly concerned when such anti-research views are expressed within what I would...

Was ignorance Bliss on an shopping trip?

August 2, 1988

Ah, the Student Association, that impeccable composite of quality individuals, has made a brilliant decision which is sure to benefit all students. They've decided to open up their purse strings to purchase a new computer system. Thatttt's ssswell! We...