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Northern Star




Northern Star

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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

New bus stop

November 20, 1987

In response to appeals from commuter students, the Student Association Mass Transit Board has established a new bus stop located at the north entrance to parking lot O on Annie Glidden Road. The stop is serviced by the southbound Route 1 bus every twenty...

ACT test scores

November 19, 1987

For the record, in answer to Aaron Burke's letter, it should be noted that the Board of Regents does not set the admissions standards for any of the system universities. These standards are set by the individual institutions. NIU's admissions standards...

Partisan vote won’t exonerate Reagan

November 19, 1987

With the release of the reports by the committees which investigated the Iran-contra arms fiasco, it should come as no suprise that the report blames President Reagan for the affair. It also must come as no suprise that the Democrats—the majority on...

Weary of whiners

November 19, 1987

I have read numerous letters and columns on the parking and towing "problems" in this city, both at the university and local businesses. Having grown immensely tired of the whining of the "victims" of parking tickets and tow trucks, I find I must respond....

Even adversaries have need to communicate

November 19, 1987

Communication. Our world needs more of it. But if conservative Republican congressmen were to have their way, there would be less of it—especially when it involved communicating with "adversary" nations like the Soviet Union. In case you're not aware...

Supports AAUP

November 19, 1987

The NIU chapter of University Professionals of Illinois (UPI) supports the AAUP in their current quest for a strong Faculty Senate. We're concerned the AAUP may not be going far enough in its demands. First, the UPI believes nothing short of equal signatory...

Navajo take shot at American Dream

November 19, 1987

When Peter MacDonald, head of the largest and fastest growing of the American Indian tribes, says he's ready to take on 20th century America, he means business. Business as in commerce, as in free enterprise—as in the American dream. e says his people...

Inquiring minds?

November 19, 1987

This letter is in reply to Dave Duschene's column on Nov. 4. In his column, Duschene found it appropriate to compare the Student Association Senate to The Northern Star. He seemed to say that no one working for the Star would drink alcohol before doing...

Sexual harassment victims have options

November 19, 1987

Sexual harassment is any deliberate or repeated unwanted sexual behavior. Such behavior may range from sexual innuendos to coerced sexual relations. Harassment is distinct from acceptable flirting and sexually oriented comments, discussion or activity...

Student input vital to OCR operations

November 18, 1987

Student Association Recreation Adviser Todd Lokken is concerned about the way requests by the physical education department to use the Recreation Center are being handled. Apparently, Director of Campus Recreation Betty Montgomery did not consult the...

Racial background doesn’t stop those wanting to learn

November 18, 1987

I remember way back in the fall semester of 1983 when I first came to NIU. I was always an average student and didn't test very well, so I was accepted at NIU through the Chance program. I didn't know anybody and the Welcome days were a nightmare (being...

Humanist lecture

November 18, 1987

In his letter published Nov. 2, Ted McCarron of the College Republicans, in an extended attack on the JLS, made reference repeatedly to the April 1987 forum where the late Marxist humanist thinker Raya Dunayevskaya gave a lecture in Sandburg Auditorium....