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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Contact lenses require specific care

November 18, 1987

Nearly one out of every two Americans require corrective lenses to see. About 20 million wear contact lenses. However, an increase in the number of eye problems and infections has accompanied the proliferation of contact lens use. Most problems are caused...

Student input vital to OCR operations

November 18, 1987

Student Association Recreation Adviser Todd Lokken is concerned about the way requests by the physical education department to use the Recreation Center are being handled. Apparently, Director of Campus Recreation Betty Montgomery did not consult the...

Racial background doesn’t stop those wanting to learn

November 18, 1987

I remember way back in the fall semester of 1983 when I first came to NIU. I was always an average student and didn't test very well, so I was accepted at NIU through the Chance program. I didn't know anybody and the Welcome days were a nightmare (being...

Humanist lecture

November 18, 1987

In his letter published Nov. 2, Ted McCarron of the College Republicans, in an extended attack on the JLS, made reference repeatedly to the April 1987 forum where the late Marxist humanist thinker Raya Dunayevskaya gave a lecture in Sandburg Auditorium....

Check the Bible

November 17, 1987

This is in reference to the Sept. 28, 1987, article about Rev. Richard Woods' speech about Christian homosexuals. My belief is that God loves heterosexuals and homosexuals, Christians and non-Christians. He, through His son, Jesus, told us to "Love your...

Parking solution is hindered by study

November 17, 1987

It seems NIU is never going to solve its parking problem. Numerous proposals have been lost in a sea of red tape, as more and more motorists compete for a limited number of spots. The most recent ideas aimed at addressing the problem have been a fee increase...

Save it for April Fool’s, rape is no joking matter

November 17, 1987

As I write this, it's Monday, the sun is AWOL and everyone is walking around being soggy and irritable with nothing much to say to one another. I think I'll start a rumor. Let's see, first I'll need a really juicy subject. Then I'll have to embellish...

Coach’s thanks

November 17, 1987

My staff and I would like to publicly thank the many wonderful people who have so generously given of their time to help us recruit students/athletes this fall. Those who directly or indirectly assisted us have made it possible to attract two more outstanding...

More social interaction might relieve boredom

November 16, 1987

Two weeks ago, my column dealt with how NIU is a massively boring place. I bemoaned the fact that too many students leave every weekend, turning NIU into a ghost town. I still think this would be a much more happening place if more students would just...

Student pay freeze too broadly applied

November 16, 1987

The NIU Executive Cabinet has announced that students working in university jobs will not receive raises this spring. The reasons given are the reduction in availability of general revenue funds from which to pay students and the fact that faculty and...

Greek business

November 16, 1987

Lately there has been intense competition among many liquor establishments for the liquor business on Greek Row. As the Sigma Phi Epsilon treasurer, I found that the best price and service was from McCabe's. Furthermore, Bob Goering, one of the owners,...

Individual working to solve problems

November 16, 1987

This is in response to a letter written by an NIU alumnus which was printed Nov. 3 in The Northern Star. I've spent a lot of my time trying to help educate students on how the budget cuts are unfair and that the $150 tuition increase goes contrary to...