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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

World champions

November 16, 1987

They may not have the household names As do the Mets and Yankees. But amidst the din of the Thunder Dome And the wave of Homer Hankies These men just went about their job And proved to quite a few That Minnesota was no longer A land where runners-up chant...

More social interaction might relieve boredom

November 16, 1987

Two weeks ago, my column dealt with how NIU is a massively boring place. I bemoaned the fact that too many students leave every weekend, turning NIU into a ghost town. I still think this would be a much more happening place if more students would just...

Student pay freeze too broadly applied

November 16, 1987

The NIU Executive Cabinet has announced that students working in university jobs will not receive raises this spring. The reasons given are the reduction in availability of general revenue funds from which to pay students and the fact that faculty and...

Columnists didn’t understand role

November 13, 1987

Opinion columnists Mike Lacy, Dan Moran and Mike Solley distorted Jim Fabris' role in the Oct. 21 Day of Action when they disparaged Fabris in their columns. Fabris demonstrated self-control outside the Nothern Star when he refused to fight a journalist...

JLS‘ food drive no time for bickering

November 13, 1987

A food drive sponsored by the John Lennon Society will start Monday. All donations will go to the DeKalb Area Food Pantry, operated by the First Methodist Church in DeKalb. The pantry provides an emergency grocery provision service to needy individuals...

Profs. misquoted

November 13, 1987

We were happy to see the article "NIU student wins internship award" in the Nov. 4 Northern Star, but we'd like to correct some erroneous statements attributed to us. The article stated that Dr. Minor said "We (sociology) have departmental writing requirements....

AIDS policy under consideration

November 13, 1987

Lynn Hammarstrom Whether or not to induct an AIDS policy similar to the one in effect at the University of Illinois is being discussed by the NIU theater arts faculty. The U of I policy, which has been in effect since spring, states, "The Department of...

Minority groups discussed

By Susie Snyder | November 13, 1987

In order to rid ignorance and dispell rumors about predominant minority groups at NIU, a forum was held at Grant Towers North Wednesday night, GTN Resident Assistant Dan Modaff said. The forum allowed students to ask questions and state their opinions...

JLS to attend conference

November 13, 1987

Sean Noble The John Lennon Society will travel this weekend to Kent State University to participate in the Progressive Student Network's annual conference. ob Ferrera, JLS member and organizer of the trip, said a group of about 15 NIU students will join...

Goin‘ to the chapel and we’re gonna get what?

November 13, 1987

Times were much simpler when I was younger, when my father was afraid I'd become a homosexual. Whoa, there—I wasn't exhibiting signs or anything. It's just that, by age 12, I hadn't started dating, and when my dad was that age he had already fathered...

Extent of racism

November 12, 1987

In a letter to the editor (Oct. 6) three students announced their terminal pathological status ("sick to death") regarding NIU's "obsessive compulsion" with racism in the Unity Through Diversity week. While their pride in their white heritage is commendable,...

Owners should check legal status of their automobiles

November 12, 1987

Cold weather is on its way and now's the time to prepare "Ole Beater" for its annual winter adventures. The following are some legal considerations to keep in mind when buying, selling or operating a motor vehicle in Illinois. egistration. It is unlawful...