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Northern Star

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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Student survey will study campus substance abuse

By Tammy Sholer | March 10, 1988

A survey being conducted to determine if alcohol is the predominant drug used on campus is part of a program for substance abuse implemented last fall. Michael Haines, NIU's health enhancement services coordinator, said the survey is part of the program...

Breach of ethics

March 10, 1988

We have here what I consider a very serious breach of journalistic ethics. That is, not only a considerable misrepresentation of quotes, but a vague statement slapped into my mouth. The obscure quotes attributed to me in the story about students switching...

Defend our future

March 10, 1988

Mary is an education major. She's bright and eager to begin her career. Unfortunately, Mary won't be able to graduate because of cuts in higher education. Does this sound like someone you know? It may be you in several years if education funding doesn't...

Hands on experience easier said than done

March 10, 1988

Every so often, when the reality of life as a college student becomes blurred by overwork and stress, and all seems hopelessly lost, one of my roommates has the knack of reminding me why I'm here. It began one night when all of us were lying around not...

Two hours at Stateville enough to last a lifetime

March 9, 1988

I just spent two of the most nerve-wracking hours of my life. No, they weren't spent trying to pay for copies at any of the copy centers on campus. They were spent at Stateville Prison outside Joliet. Yes, Stateville Prison which, now that I think about...

Take charge of your eating habits for a healthier heart

March 9, 1988

Take charge of your eating habits! The foods you eat today can endanger your heart or protect it, and "what you chew" may also protect you against certain types of cancer. By eating a low-fat diet, including foods rich in vitamins A, C, and beta-carotene...

Student proud to be attending NIU

March 9, 1988

Upon reading the Mar. 1 Northern Star, I was disheartened to see the pessimistic views of Ms. Price and Mr. Pierce. If you don't like it here, leave! There are many students like myself who are proud to attend this school. NIU has so much to offer; I'm...

Eating meat unhealty, uneconomical

March 9, 1988

Barbara Larson is cleverly deceptive in her outrageous letter of Feb. 24 when she states "Even prominent national physicians have found ingredients in meat that promote a stronger heart and healthier life." The problem with that is those who eat meat...

Against smoking

March 9, 1988

Your headline, "Proposed smoking policy dismays staff" (Mar.3) suggests opposition to a "no-smoking" policy is widespread. In fact, it is not. Ms. Strink, president of the operating staff council, who is cited in your article, has already registered the...

MUSH! volunteers face uphill battle

March 9, 1988

Uphill battles can be won only if those in the fight form a bond and work together to accomplish their goals. As long as the group understands and can handle the obstacles it faces, it stands a good chance of success. This is the very situation facing...

Column response

March 9, 1988

This letter is in response to Jim Wozniak's column entitled "Racism doesn't explain the failures of black leaders," featured in the Star on Tues., Feb. 23. In this column, Wozniak makes very weak attempts to address two issues: 1) incidents of racism...

Clean up campus

March 8, 1988

Spring has come; the first robins have returned, Big Mac cartons bob in Watson Creek, and old issues of the Northern Star lie in campus shrubs. Only the university can clean up the current eyesore, but we can clean up after ourselves in the future. The...