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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Use column to do something good

November 5, 1987

This letter is in response to Mr. Dan Moran's "potty mouth" column on Oct. 23 about the Day of Action. Let's start by clearing up a few things. I only rarely read the Star; I usually have better things to do than write a letter to the Star; I always have...

Sex, politics and religion

November 5, 1987

can cure writer's block Writing a column—like almost everything else in the world—has its good and bad points. One of the good points is that you get the chance to write just about anything you want. That's especially nice when something happens to...

Language test fair for students, TAs

November 4, 1987

The NIU Graduate Council approved a plan Monday for English proficiency testing for foreign graduate students. The final form the proposal has taken should be acceptable to people on both sides of the issue. A great deal has been said about "kids who...

Thanks to adviser

November 4, 1987

I would like to give a special thanks to Mr. Steven Fleck, the undergraduate management adviser, for his help Oct. 14. After incurring some problems relating to the business courses I need to graduate, I was tossed from department to department, resulting...

Arias peace plan

November 4, 1987

The awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to Costa Rican President Oscar Arias evokes the ultimate nightmare the Reagan regime dreads—the break-out of peace in Central America. The argument against the peace plan is that it can not succeed. Yet, if it's...

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

November 4, 1987

I'm writing regarding the Facebook article published yesterday. It took everything I had to keep from laughing uncontrollably at the sheer stupidity of the "outrage" over the new Facebook "News Feed" feature. All I can say is, "What did these people expect?" You take your personal information and voluntarily put it up on the Web, where anyone can see it, and then complain that people can see your personal information?

Facebook is not putting up who your favorite band is on your profile or what celebrities you like or your Social Security number, locker combination, phone number or whatever else these people put up on their profiles. These people put up this personal information themselves. So Facebook is making it "easier" to see what someone is doing. Big deal.

The solution is simple: If you don't want people to look at your "personal" information (and I use the word personal loosely, as information posted on the internet is anything but personal), don't post it on the Internet. You want to make sure people can't "watch every single step you take"? Then don't tell the entire world who you're dating or what you're doing Friday night via your Facebook profile. Better yet, delete your Facebook/Myspace profiles altogether and go back to stalking "that cute guy/girl in your psych class" the old fashioned way — with good old hard work and binoculars.

‘Epidemic’ going unnoticed

November 4, 1987

Chlamydia is: (a) a flower; (b) a spermicidal agent used in condoms; (c) the most common sexually transmitted disease; (d) a recent heavy loser in the stock market. Those who correctly answered (c) know more about chlamydia than the majority of the population....

Gays part of NIU

November 4, 1987

I would like to respond to Mr. Nolan's letter from the Oct. 22 Northern Star. Evidently he felt that the Gay/Lesbian Union's participation in Unity Through Diversity Week was a disservice to the community. I feel Mr. Nolan, despite his assertations, lost...

Drinking at SA meeting hurts group’s credibility

November 4, 1987

Imagine how the public would react if it was discovered we were printing The Northern Star from the basement of J.P. Hannigans. We would be working there because they would serve us beer and pizza while we produced the paper. There would be uproar, even...

Rethink opinions

November 4, 1987

A human being never thinks she is right, she knows she is right. Northern Star journalists are, with rare exception, human beings, and they suffer from this shortfall. It is natural and forgivable. What is unforgivable is a journalist who fails to consider...

Vengeful column

November 4, 1987

This is in reply to Mike Solley's column Oct. 26. Solley accused the John Lenon Society of being "a self-centered group of extremists motivated to scurrilous behavior by ignorance, hate, and a warped view of reality." Solley came to this conclusion as...

Peace study key to world suvival

November 4, 1987

In Mike Lacy's column about the University Committee on the ROTC and Tom Rainey, a student who opposes the ROTC, Mr. Lacy describes Mr. Rainey's beliefs: "...that ROTC should (not) even exist" and "...that we don't need armies." I share these beliefs....