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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

AD needs freedom to make decisions

November 2, 1987

The NIU Athletic Department might have taken the turn last week that will point it in the direction of the light at the end of the tunnel. At a Thursday press conference, NIU President John LaTourette named Gerald O'Dell to the department's athletic director...

NIU Administration on wrong track

November 2, 1987

In regards to Nora Schattke's letter from Oct. 19 concerning the problem of "promoted" racism at NIU I would like to say I couldn't have said it better myself. I see no reason for any group which exercises segregation practices of any kind to be allowed...

Fight for rights

November 2, 1987

In his Oct. 22 column regarding the Day of Action, Mike Lacy went on for 70 lines to insult a group of NIU students. I do not personally subscribe to many of the "hard-core liberals" points-of-view. I, as Mike Lacy, regard myelf as a fairly realistic...

Please vote Yes

November 2, 1987

The members of the DeKalb Senior Centers' Legislative Committee urge you to vote "YES" on the social service advisory referendum appearing on the DeKalb Township ballot Tuesday, November 3rd. Passing the advisory referendum will not raise your taxes....

More Thunderbolt

October 27, 1987

This is in answer to Gretchyn Lenger's column about "Thunderbolt." I would respectfully like to thank you for sharing your opinion. However, I strongly disagree with your views. It's true first amendment rights are an integral part of this country's belief...

Positive coverage

October 27, 1987

I have worked on the NIU campus some 26 years. Many, many times during the past I have been tempted to write the Northern Star to express my displeasure with some facet of the operation. I have never done so. I am writing now, not to criticize, but to...

Black clubs issue

October 26, 1987

This is in reply to Nora Schattke's letter which appeared on Oct. 19. Ms. Schattke addresses an issue which, we're sure, has caused concern for many students. The issue is that of black organizations existing on campus. Ms. Schattke, or Nora if you will,...

So Much Like Me

By Hertha Valiente | October 26, 1987

special education When I found out that I was coming to America from El Salvador, the image that I had of Americans became meaningful to me. We Latin Americans think that North Americans are completely different from us. We think that people in the U.S....

A Cultural Experience

October 26, 1987

Jane Nededog studio art I was looking around one of the clothes stores in Northbrook Mall when a man came walking towards me. Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I turned to look at him. He had a suit on and hanging on his broad shoulders was a very colorful...

Poster Contest

October 23, 1987

I want to take this opportunity to thank on behalf of the Poster Committee all those persons who participated in the recent "Unity Through Diversity" Poster Contest. A number of very fine posters were received which in one way or another spoke to the...

Legislature’s next stop? Disneyland!

October 23, 1987

Quickie History Lesson No. 404: Last summer legislators voted down a complex tax increase package. Governor Jim Thompson followed up this action by slashing the state budget. Higher education lost $53 million dollars. NIU lost $11 million from its proposed...

Keep your potty mouth home while protesting

October 23, 1987

All right, that's it—I'm pulling this car over. Like the fictitious Sean Thornton, I'm what you call a quiet, peace-lovin‘ man. It's not very often I engage in pointless, heated arguments with someone who will never see my point of view anyway. Just...