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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Cultural Diversity

October 23, 1987

This is a response to a letter by Mr. Sloan, Ms. Davenport, and Mr. Higgins, on October 6th. I am a white male Protestant, and I am proud of my heritage. I am proud of a father wo bought shoes for school wit money earned picking cotton, who didn't finish...

Ignorance no excuse for breaking the law

October 23, 1987

"Ignorantia legis neminem excusat" is such a well-worn legal maxim that its meaning is apparent even to those of us who don't remember or never took Latin: "Ignorance of law excuses no one." In legal matters, ignorance definitely is not bliss. The following...

Stock market’s not worth loss of lives

October 22, 1987

Everyone knows by now about the stock market crisis. Wall Street is on a rollercoaster ride, and no one is having any fun. Market speculators are finding out the true meaning of the word "gamble." On Monday, Arthur Kane walked into the Miami offices of...

Day of Action was successful overall

October 22, 1987

Yesterday's Day of Action brought protest to NIU's campus in a number of forms, including a rally at King Memorial Commons and a sit-down demonstration blocking Lincoln Hwy., followed by a demonstration at The Northern Star. Considering the cold weather,...

Gay participation

October 22, 1987

I believe two things need to be said about the recent Unity Through Diversity week. The first is that while the basic ideas and intentions were good, some specific events were almost doomed to have poor turnouts. There are two obvious reasons. One is...

Protesters’ actions not true civil disobedience

October 22, 1987

It all started in a mall dedicated to the memory of a man who advocated civil disobedience and respect for individual rights. As I'm sure you're all well aware of by now, about 100 NIU students broke the law yesterday when they blocked traffic on Lincoln...

Union necessary

October 22, 1987

In the Oct. 7 column regarding the NFL strike, it was said that certain players are "breaking the back of an unnecessary union", that "there is no reason athletes need a bargaining chip to get more money" and finally, "maybe they will remember the game...

Day of Action part of a bigger picture

October 21, 1987

Today is the day student leaders from all over the state have been waiting for. The Day of Action. Anyone reading this should be reading it from NIU's Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Commons—not from the safe, warm, neutral confines of home or classroom....

Willing to debate

October 21, 1987

In response to College Republican President Gary Yambor, I must voice amazement at his charges. Let's analyze them: . Liberals won't debate the CRs. Gary where have you been for the last year? Consistently since the Republicans brought contra Jorge Rosales...

Alcohol & drugs simply don’t mix

October 21, 1987

For nine of the last ten years, the leading cause of drug induced deaths in the U.S. has been alcohol combined with other drugs (1985 DEA Statistical Report). Alcohol is involved in more than half of all suicides. However, most alcohol/drug deaths are...

NIU picked ‘great’ time to start repairing a roof

October 21, 1987

Most people who have classes in DuSable Hall this semester have probably been distracted by the noise there lately—especially if they have class on the fourth floor. It seems the university has decided the roof on that lovely red building is in need...

Blocking highway designed to address the state as a whole

October 21, 1987

Today is the Day of Action. As part of the Day of Action, there is currently a plan to block Lincoln Hwy. You may have read about it. Last Friday, a Northern Star editorial called this plan "futile." On Monday, Mike Solley referred to such action as "rash."...