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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star


January 29, 1987

As an active member of an NIU sports club, I completely agree with Eric Battaglia about the prestige these clubs can bring to the university. They bring enjoyment and good friends to those who participate in them and can make a name for Northern at the...

It’s time for Reagan to open Iranian file

January 29, 1987

President Reagan had a golden opportunity Tuesday to be honest with the nation about what went on concerning the Iran-contra affair. But with the help of several rounds of applause and a few fancy phrases used to ignite the nation's patriotism, the president...

Essence of education getting lost in ‘hoopla’

January 26, 1987

What is the purpose of attending college? This question was recently asked by the instructor of one of my political science classes. As most of us sat fidgeting and looking down at the floor, one brave soul raised her hand. She said that the sole purpose...

Graduate school

January 26, 1987

A Jan. 16 Star article gave a nice explanation of the Doctoral Dissertation Completion Awards that the Graduate School makes available to outstanding NIU graduate students completing their doctoral degrees. If I may correct one serious factual error in...

Reagan’s speech a golden opportunity

January 26, 1987

Tomorrow vening, President Reagan will face a national TV audience to give his State of the Union address. Hopefully, the president will attempt to shed some light on the state of disunion facing the nation that grew out of the Iran-contra affair. eagan...

Funding needed

January 22, 1987

The request of the Men's Volleyball Club for $7,200 seems "ridiculous" and "outrageous" when Jamie Dill presented distorted facts in the letter to the Star on Tuesday, Jan. 13. However, when one considers that the funds were to pay entry fees and traveling...

Stop abortion

January 22, 1987

All the musicians, all the doctors, all the teachers, poets and writers, all the scientists, world leaders, mothers and housewives will be mourned this Jan. 22, 1987, the anniversary of the dread 1973 decision of the U.S. Supreme Court to legalize abortion...

TV evangelist ludicrous in making monetary plea

January 22, 1987

I had an encounter with God the other day, and he told me in strict confidence that Oral Roberts is full of it. Those weren't his exact words, but the point was well taken. For those of you who aren't exactly up on the latest Oral Roberts gossip, the...

Drug plan suspect, needs second look

January 21, 1987

Challenging issues call for close scrutiny, not hasty decisions. Drug testing is an example of a controversial subject challenging businesses and institutions all over the country, including NIU. Although the University Council in the past has been criticized...

Actress’ autobiography a ‘totally cosmic’ story

January 21, 1987

It doesn't come as any surprise to me that outer space aliens have chosen Shirley MacLaine to spread their message to the world. She writes and publishes books, she is a stage and screen star, and she has stored up a reserve of credibility over the years...

More information

January 21, 1987

Thank you for your recent article on acquaintance rapes, sexual assault and abuse. Please add the following information, which should be known by all students on the campus. Anyone who is the victim of any sort of sexual assault should go immediately...

Rec center woes

January 21, 1987

The recreation center has been open for two years. In those two years few improvements in the programs have been made. Strange policies have been implemented to fill the inherent problems generated by existing programs. Here are some examples of what...