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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Iran scandal no reason for Democrats to gloat

January 14, 1987

There's a debate these days in the upper echelons of intelligentsia as to whether or not Democrats should gloat over the Reagan administration's current troubles. It takes a certain type of person to even sit back and think about such things in the middle...

Let Stump die, get on with real issues

January 14, 1987

We've all heard the story of when a farmer cuts the head off of a chicken and it runs around the yard a bit before finally dying. And once the hatchet falls, there's no way to put the head back on the bird so it can live a little longer. But it seems...


January 14, 1987

Over the Christmas holiday my goal was to read the first four James Herriot novels and it was a wonderfully worthwhile goal. In one of the books he stated how good it was to be a small cog in British agriculture, and that made me think about my part at...

B-ball team’s woes impeding progress

January 13, 1987

Alas, a major sports team here at NIU is showing up clearly in the media spotlight after months and months of trying. However, the men's basketball team probably isn't going about drawing public attention in quite the way men's Athletic Director Robert...

Hey, how ‘bout leaving Ron’s prostate alone?

January 13, 1987

Like a lot of people functioning on a low budget this holiday season, I spent a great deal of my Christmas vacation sitting in front of the television, remote control in hand, searching for some form of free entertainment. It wasn't long after New Years...

Critiques worth students’ while

January 13, 1987

In response to the article titled "SA trying to make evaluations public" in the Dec. 2 Northern Star, concerning teacher evaluations, I find an assumption made by the teachers at NIU very disturbing. Chris Hoagland said, "most teachers believe teacher...

Ron’s Watergate

January 12, 1987

Our history was founded on representative government, exemplified in the Pilgrim's "Town Meeting" government, wherein there was open government, rather than secrecy. We've had the secrecy of Watergate with domestic political spying to circumvent our elections....

Regent’s meetings belong on campus

January 12, 1987

The magnanimous Board of Regents recently decided faculty and students at the three Regency schools should be allowed to attend and have more of an impact on board meetings. At first glance, this decision comes across as a sound and generous move by the...

UC approves condemning resolution

By Tom Omiatek | January 12, 1987

The University Council Dec. 10 approved a resolution calling for the condemnation of the controversial student publication, Stump, which the Council called "degrading" to minorities. NIU students Erik Engel, Paul Engel and Philip Craig wrote, paid for,...