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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Alpha Sigma Alpha tugs team -- coached by Sigma Nu -- stares down Sigma Sigma Sigma -- coached by Delta Chi -- ahead of the final rope of the Women's Tugs Chapionship. ASA defeated Tri Sigma in two ropes. (Ro Hong | Northern Star)

ASA wins tugs championship, spoiling Tri Sigma four-peat

By Andy Inboden, Sports Reporter | November 9, 2024

In the final match of Women’s Tugs on Saturday, Sigma Sigma Sigma – coached by Delta Chi – faced Alpha Sigma Alpha – coached by Sigma Nu. After ASA’s victory over Alpha Phi, they took on the top-seeded Tri Sigma and won in two ropes.  Tri...

Alpha Sigma Alpha’s first Tugs team cheers on the ropers in the second rope. The championship match will take place 2 p.m. Saturday with Alpha Sigma Alpha and back-to-back champions Sigma Sigma Sigma. (Totus Tuus Keely | Northern Star)

ASA drops APhi in first round of women’s Tugs

By Andy Inboden, Sports Reporter | November 7, 2024

In an exhilarating display of strength and strategy, Alpha Sigma Alpha (ASA) faced off against Alpha Phi (APhi) in a highly anticipated annual women’s Tugs competition. The match unfolded in two intense rounds, showcasing the determination and...

Alpha Sigma Alpha's tug team stands in a hang on Nov. 8, 2023. Alpha Sigma Alpha will face off against Alpha Phi on Wednesday as the NIU Panhellenic Council hosts the first day of women's tugs for 2024. (Northern Star File Photo)

Women’s tugs begins Wednesday

By Northern Star Sports Staff | November 3, 2024

The NIU Panhellenic Council will host its annual women’s tugs tournament Wednesday and Saturday. Tugs is a longstanding Greek life tradition at NIU, which features two teams at a time battling in a tug-of-war match.  Proceeds from the event will...

Spring 2024 intramural standings, schedule

By Northern Star Staff | February 27, 2024

OPEN BASKETBALL LEAGUE  Team Name: Win-Loss Sunset Ballers: 5-0 Uncle Es: 3-1 N.G.T Switches: 3-1 Flint Tropics: 3-2 Brick Squad: 2-3 Hukies: 1-3 Rec Well: 1-4 Dekalb Destroyers: 0-4 GREEK BASKETBALL LEAGUE Team Name:...

Kaci Luptak pinches the rope to keep Alpha Sigma Alpha from gaining the knot on Wednesday. Alpha Phi moves on to face Sigma Sigma Sigma. (Nyla Owens | Northern Star)

Alpha Phi downs Alpha Sigma Alpha, advances to Tugs title match

By Skyler Kisellus, Senior Sports Reporter | November 9, 2023

DeKALB – “Looks like it’s third place again, ladies!” one fan yelled to the freshly-defeated Alpha Sigma Alpha tuggers. It was one of the many chants and jeers thrown out by the crowd gathered on Wednesday at 912 Edgebrook Drive during the...

Reigning Tugs champions Sigma Nu defeats Phi Sigma Kappa during the championship match. Sigma Nu is the 2023 Tug Champions, making this their second consecutive title.  (Nyla Owens | Northern Star)

Tugs dynasty: Sigma Nu captures second straight title

By Zachary Bertram and Alex Crowe | April 22, 2023

DeKALB – Sigma Nu swept Phi Sigma Kappa 2-0 to win back-to-back Tugs championship. In addition to Sigma Nu taking first place and Phi Sigma Kappa finishing in second place, Phi Kappa Psi defeated Alpha Sigma Phi 2-0 to clinch the third place trophy. To...

Delta Chi tugging against Phi Kappa Theta on Wednesday. With Delta Chi defeating Phi Kappa Theta, Delta Chi moves onto the fifth place match.(Nyla Owens | Northern Star)

Delta Chi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon win in Day 1 of losers bracket

By Joseph Segreti and Zachary Bertram | April 19, 2023

DeKALB – Delta Chi came back after dropping the first round and outlasting Phi Kappa Theta in the tiebreaking third-round in the opening match of the losers bracket at the 2023 IFC men’s Tugs competition. Sigma Alpha Epsilon took down Tau Kappa Epsilon...

Fraternity Alpha Sigma Phi tugging against Tau Kappa Epsilon during round one of Tugs on Tuesday. Alpha Sigma Phi beat Tau Kappa Epsilon in three rounds. ( Nyla Owens | Northern Star)

Alpha Sigma Phi, Sigma Nu earn wins in Tugs Day 2

By Zack Rodriguez and Alex Crowe | April 18, 2023

DeKALB – A tie-breaking, three round thriller ended in just under 10 minutes as Alpha Sigma Phi outlasted Tau Kappa Epsilon in the third match of the 2023 Interfraternity Council men’s Tugs competition. MATCH ONE Both frats were at a stand-still...

Phi Kappa Psi fraternity tugging against Delta Chi in round one of Tugs. Phi Kappa Psi took the win on monday. (Nyla Owens | Northern Star)

Phi Kappa Psi and Phi Sigma Kappa prevail in day 1 Tugs

By Ethan Gonzales, Former Sports Editor | April 17, 2023

DeKALB – After a 41-minute battle for the third rope, Phi Kappa Psi defeated Delta Chi in match one of the 2023 Interfraternity Council men’s Tugs competition. Phi Sigma Kappa defeated Phi Kappa Theta in a 20-minute landslide victory. MATCH ONE The...

Phi Kappa Psi fraternity tugging against Delta Chi in round one of Tugs. Phi Kappa Psi took the win on monday. (Nyla Owens | Northern Star)

IFC to kick off annual Tugs tournament

By Joey Trella, Marketing Team Coordinator | April 16, 2023

DeKALB – From Monday to Saturday, the Interfraternity Council is hosting the men’s Tug-O-War (nicknamed “Tugs”) tournament at 912 Edgebrook Drive. Competing in the annual philanthropy tournament are: Phi Kappa Psi, Delta Chi, Phi Sigma Kappa,...