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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

A screenshot from the game "Spec Ops: The Line."

‘Spec Ops: The Line’ is a winner

By Ryan Chodora | May 6, 2013

An incredible single-player narrative and solid-third person shooting action sets Spec Ops: The Line apart from other recent modern shooters. Background Spec Ops: The Line is a fictional third-person shooter that takes place in Dubai six months after...

‘Nimble Quest’ puts modern spin on a cellphone classic

By Patrick Pastrana | April 21, 2013

NimbleBit, a gaming company and developer, has been very successful at creating many entertaining mobile games for both the iOS and Android.NimbleBit has produced titles like “Tiny Tower,” “Pocket Frogs” and “Pocket Planes.”The latest game...

Sniper Elite V2 short, but gameplay makes up for length

By Ryan Chodora | February 17, 2013

A Russian infantryman stands beneath a shelled-out building in war-torn Germany. The man begins to light a cigarette. There’s a muzzle flash, and in the blink of an eye a 7.92x57mm Mauser round fired from a Karabiner 98 German-engineered scoped rifle...

Metro 2033 provides suspense in a post-apocalyptic world

By Ryan Chodora | February 9, 2013

Grab your headlamps and your military-grade ammunition; it’s time to review Metro 2033. Metro 2033 is a first-person survival horror game that takes place in the post-apocalyptic metro tunnels of Moscow. Little is known about the nuclear war that took...