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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Prospective students pose with Victor E. Huskie during NIU’s Open House and Campus Tour in April 2014. The Open House — the biggest in NIU’s history — drew in more than 4,000 prospective students.

Victor E. Huskie in contention for Hall of Fame nomination

By Mitchell Spence | September 30, 2014

Victor E. Huskie has made it to the final round of a poll being conducted by the Chicago Tribune for a Mascot Hall of Fame nomination.The poll, hosted on the newspaper’s website at, has four contestants in the final round of public voting....

Students qualify to present at showcase

By Northern Star Staff | April 15, 2014

Five students have qualified for the National Forensic Association National Tournament.Seniors Kyle Larson and Bernard Chestleigh, junior Ai Lambogo and sophomores Lauren Baker and Julia Boyle will perform at the NIU Forensic National Showcase.Students...