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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Restaurants serve deals for Halloween

By Kristen Arms | October 31, 2016

Halloween is here and businesses are running deals all over campus and DeKalb to get in the spooky spirit. College students are all about saving money. These sales are a good way to get food without spending too much. All of these are valid only today.Baskin...

Show support for vets throughout entire year

By AJ Edwards | November 12, 2013

Even though Veterans Day comes once a year, it’s never the wrong time to show your support and respect to veterans in your community. The holiday is a good opportunity to thank servicemen and women, but it’s just a reminder of the behavior we should...

Healthy alternatives to restaurant favorites

By Deanna Frances | February 27, 2013

Dieting is never easy. Take it from someone who has struggled with diets for what seems like a long time. When I started dieting to try and maintain my weight and eat foods that were healthier for me, I had a difficult time trying to find foods that were...

Financial aid help available at FAFSA Fun Fest

By Lauren Dielman | February 15, 2012

Students are encouraged to attend FAFSA Fun Fest Thursday, where they can expect free food, raffle prizes and help filling out their FAFSA form. The FAFSA Fun Fest, hosted by the NIU Office of Student Financial Aid, will go from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the...

Free meals, discounts granted to soldiers for holiday

By Ryan Felgenhauer | November 11, 2011

DeKalb area businesses plan to celebrate Veterans Day in different ways.Some local restaurants will offer meals to veterans.O'Leary's Restaurant and Pub, 260 E. Lincoln Highway, will offer entrees to service members.Veterans can receive a free entree,...

NIU parents group ready to celebrate mothers

By Candice Beasley | May 1, 2011

DeKALB | A parents group on campus will be celebrating Mother's Day together. "I hope to relax and spend time with my kids for mother's day," said Sequoia Thomas, sophomore psychology major and member of an organization called College Parents' Group....

DeKalb home of the good burger

By Danny Ciamprone | April 17, 2011

DeKALB | Those searching for a good burger do not need to look far in DeKalb. Mark Megallanes, manager of Applebee's, 2411 Sycamore Road, said it is the different variations of burgers that keep customers coming back, including the Cowboy and Philly burger....