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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Feed’em Soup, Barbed Wire Betties to hold Mexican food fundraiser

By Northern Star staff | March 9, 2016

Feed'em Soup Community Project and the Barbed Wire Betties will hold a community fundraiser 6 p.m. Saturday at the American Legion Post #66, 1204 S. Fourth St.The fundraiser will include Mexican food for purchase, provided by Feed'em Soup. The fundraiser...

Barbed Wire Betties to take on Twin City Derby Girls at Huntley Middle School

By Northern Star staff | April 13, 2015

Roller derby team the Barbed Wire Betties will hold a bout against the Twin City Derby Girls from Champaign-Urbana at 6:30 p.m. April 18 at Huntley Middle School, 1515 S. Fourth St.Tickets are $10 in advance, $12 at the door and $7 for seniors ages 55...

Barbed Wire Betties team members practice during a scrimmage match Oct. 4, 2013, at Kishwaukee YMCA, 2500 W. Bethany Road. The Betties raised money to buy a roller derby track so they can host home meets at Huntley Middle School, 1515 S. Fourth St. The first home match is Nov. 8.

Barbed Wire Betties to hold bout against the Illinois Valley Vixens

By Northern Star staff | March 3, 2015

The Barbed Wire Betties will hold a bout against the Illinois Valley Vixens on March 21 at Huntley Middle School, 1515 S. Fourth St.The Barbed Wire Betties formed in June 2012 as DeKalb’s first roller derby team and played their first home bout Nov....

Barbed Wire Betties team members practice during a scrimmage match Oct. 4, 2013, at Kishwaukee YMCA, 2500 W. Bethany Road. The Betties raised money to buy a roller derby track so they can host home meets at Huntley Middle School, 1515 S. Fourth St. The first home match is Nov. 8.

Barbed Wire Betties host 1st home bout

By Brennan Schneider | October 28, 2014

The Barbed Wire Betties are coming home for the first time to challenge the DuPage Derby Dames next week.The Betties will play their first home bout 6:30 p.m. Nov. 8 at Huntley Middle School, 1515 S. Fourth St. A 10,000-pound roller derby track will be...

Local residents and their families flocked to Kite Fest sundsay to watch and fly kites of all shapes and colors near Annie's Woods in front of the Engineering building.

Kite Fest features 90-foot kites

By Mitchell Spence | September 14, 2014

The ninth annual Kite Fest was expected to draw 3,000 to 5,000 visitors Sunday, said Debbie Armstrong, DeKalb County Convention and Visitor Bureau executive director.Kite Fest is always held on the second Sunday of September and is free for all guests....

Pass/Fail: Barbed Wire Betties raise money, but Job Fair is lackluster

By Danny Cozzi | February 24, 2014

Pass: Betties raise $1K at Sunday eventI’ve seen the Barbed Wire Betties in action before, so learning they raised $1,873 at their weekend fundraiser is awesome.If there’s anything those crazy derby ladies deserve it’s the community’s recognition...

The DeKalb County Roller Derby team, the Barbed Wire Betties, held a fundraiser Sunday for more bouts in DeKalb at The Lost Mine Lounge at Four Seasons Sports, 1745 DeKalb Ave. A booth was set up to sell Barbed Wire Betties merchandise.

Derby team raises funds for bouts

By Alissa Jacob | February 23, 2014

The Barbed Wire Betties raised $1,873 at a weekend event to help pay for floors, events and the school at which they will be playing.The fundraiser was held from 6:30 to 11:30 p.m. Saturday at The Lost Mine Lounge at Four Seasons Sports, 1745 DeKalb Ave.Attendees...

Roller derby team hosts fundraiser for local games

By Northern Star staff | February 18, 2014

DeKalb County’s Barbed Wire Betties will hold a fundraiser to get a home bouting location.The Betties, a DeKalb County roller derby team, will hold a fundraiser from 6:30 to 11:30 p.m. Saturday at Four Seasons Sports and Lost Mine Lounge, 1745 DeKalb...

The Barbed Wire Betties practice during a scrimmage match Friday night at Kishwaukee YMCA, 2500 W. Bethany Road.

Derby play ‘a passion’ for women

By Danny Cozzi | October 8, 2013

Of the many things I don’t understand, sports has always been one of the most embarrassing.But that’s not the case anymore, since I am unofficially an expert in roller derby, courtesy of the DeKalb Barbed Wire Betties. I can confidently say this town...

Betties fundraise for competition flooring

By Jessi Haish | October 8, 2013

DeKalb’s roller derby team already knows the basics. Now, they’re just trying to find a permanent home.The Barbed Wire Betties, DeKalb’s women’s roller derby team, is in the beginning stages of fundraising for a material on which they can skate....

DeKalb group aims to bring back roller derby

DeKalb group aims to bring back roller derby

By Jen Weddle | November 7, 2012

Roller derby was a dying sport, but some DeKalb residents are fighting to bring it back to life. The Barbed Wire Betties, a new women’s roller derby team, can be found training at 7:30 p.m. Fridays at the YMCA, 2500 Bethany Road. There are women from...