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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Trustees voting on 2015 budget

By Jackie Nevarez | September 16, 2014

The Board of Trustees is expected to review and approve the proposed Fiscal Year 2015 internal budget Thursday.The Board of Trustees will meet 9 a.m. in Altgeld Hall, Room 315, to give its final approval for the FY 2015 budget, which plans for $426.5...

South lobby of Grant Towers.

$812K needed for roof in Grant

By Kelly Bauer | September 3, 2014

Editor's Note: This Northern Star incorrectly reported a budget of $850,000 has been requested to repair the Grant Central roof. The budget requested is $812,000.The Grant Central roof is in “urgent” need of replacement to the tune of $850,000.Bill...

Students walk past the south end of Douglas Hall monday.

Douglas to be gone by end of September

By Keith Hernandez | August 27, 2014

The Environmental Health and Safety Department oversaw the completion of asbestos removal from Douglas Hall’s four wings Monday, allowing for further abatement of the material in the building’s central core.Bill Nicklas, vice president of Operations...

Bill Nicklas, vice president of Operations and Community Relations, speaks about the Student Association resolution passed unanimously to urge the administration to cease its consideration of a second-year residency requirement for the residence halls in late March during the SA Senate meeting in the Holmes Student Center’s Sky Room.

Nicklas resigns as NIU vice president of operations and community relations

By Kelly Bauer | August 18, 2014

Bill Nicklas, vice president of operations and community relations, has resigned to focus on his family and friends effective Nov. 1.Nicklas was named the vice president of operations and community relations in early March, overseeing the NIU police department...

Contract to bring city, fire department more revenue

Contract to bring city, fire department more revenue

By Keisha Howerth | June 22, 2014

A new fire protection and ambulance service agreement between DeKalb and NIU will bring the city more revenue and a ladder truck for the fire department.Bill Nicklas, Operations and Community Relations vice president, said the five-year contract will...

Joe Frascello, newly inaugurated Student Association president, gives thanks to the SA Senate and discusses his plans to bring small electric buses to campus during the SA Inauguration May 2.

Frascello focused on involvement, transit

By Betsy Mathew | May 4, 2014

Student Association President Joe Frascello said he has big plans for his presidency, including working on student involvement, student engagement and transparency.Frascello, Vice President Raquel Chavez and Treasurer Husam Salem were inaugurated as the...

Late Night Ride needs fix

By Kim Randall | April 3, 2014

There is a lot of work to be done in order to make Late Night Ride become the system it can and should be: fast, smooth and painless.A March 24 NIU Today release said the Student Association and the Department of Police and Public Safety released a survey...

Bill Nicklas, vice president of Operations and Community Relations, speaks about the Student Association resolution passed unanimously to urge the administration to cease its consideration of a second-year residency requirement for the residence halls in late March during the SA Senate meeting in the Holmes Student Center’s Sky Room.

SA votes no for second-year residency

By Jackie Nevarez | March 30, 2014

Student Association Senate unanimously voted Sunday to pass a resolution to urge NIU to end its consideration of a second-year residency requirement.Second-year residencyBill Nicklas, vice president of Operations and Community Relations, said former president...

Douglas Hall to be demolished

By Carlos Galvez | March 25, 2014

Before the fall semester, Douglas Hall will be demolished and students will have to look to other residence halls for housing.The closing of Douglas Hall is a part of NIU President Doug Baker’s Master Plan Thesis, designed to create a new campus, said...

Baker change could lead to future abuses

By Northern Star Editorial Board | March 3, 2014

NIU President Doug Baker made some bold and slightly worrisome administrative announcements Friday.The Editorial Board applauds Baker’s efforts to clean up inefficiencies and save money; however, the consolidation of duties under Bill Nicklas, vice...

CIO in, VPs out in Baker’s changes

By Kelly Bauer | March 3, 2014

NIU welcomed CIO Brett Coryell in the same breath as it announced two vice presidents would no longer work at NIU, the news coming in a Friday address from NIU President Doug Baker.The changes are part of Baker’s efforts to root out inefficiencies to...

Donald Grady

Grady sues for job, citing discrimination

By Kelly Bauer | February 20, 2014

Don Grady, the NIU Police Department’s former chief, wants his job back with a public apology from the university, back pay and damages.Grady has filed a civil rights lawsuit against the Board of Trustees and former NIU President John Peters, among...