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Northern Star

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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

A cartoon depicts a black cat sitting in the darkness of his room. The cat is enjoying the silence of the environment while unwinding with some screen time. (Daniela Barajas | Northern Star)

Cartoon: IPad cat

By Daniela Barajas, Cartoonist | March 6, 2025

Tails of the week

Tails of the week

By Courtesy Tails | November 4, 2019

Pleased to make your acquaintance. They call me Sir Snifferdoodle. I may have a fancy name, but I am far from it! In fact, I am a goofy, energetic young fellow who loves to rip it up in the yard with my dog pals. I've lived with older children and was good with them all. I also lived with a cat, and I never want to live with one ever again!! I'm house-trained, going to the door and barking when I need to go potty. Though I have a great time playing with other dogs, I am rather protective of my food with them. I am highly treat motivated and willing to learn new things. I hoping really hard to find a "furever" home very soon!

Tails of the week: Boston

Tails of the week: Boston

By Courtesy TAILS | October 16, 2019

If you are looking for a more mature cat who is playful, a complete love bug, has an abundance of personality, and is darn handsome to boot, you've found him in me, Boston! I'm a 7 yr. old who is pretty unforgettable. I'd make an ideal companion for someone...

Letter to the editor: TAILS story should not wary those looking to adopt pets

October 25, 2011

In response to the article about pets from shelters, I would like to emphasize that one solitary adoption in no way represents adopting from an animal shelter as a whole. I adopted a dog from TAILS in DeKalb last September and, sure, he has gotten sick...