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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The current phone switch used to operate landlines housed on the second floor of the NIU Police Department. The landline servers will soon be replaced by smaller servers after the transition to Microsoft Teams Voice phones. (Courtesy of John Kearsing)

NIU’s Microsoft Teams Voice transition continues

By Joseph Howerton, Video Editor | February 26, 2023

DeKALB – The decommissioning of landlines across campus is continuing with the conversion to Microsoft Teams to be tentatively completed by June. All 815-753 phone numbers are being ported from NIU’s current service provider, Frontier, to NIU’s...

A power point ina virtual meeting introduces the virtual career fairs

Virtual career fairs are still important and easily accessed

By Jordan Radloff | September 25, 2020

It has been a new and unique experience for both students and administration to adjust to having interactions exclusively online this semester. Career Services has developed a way to continue hosting their career fairs, and attending these events is both...

Career Services reports potential scammers on campus

By Northern Star staff | September 19, 2016

Career Services is warning students to be aware, as two individuals were handing out "internship" information and asking students to fill out "student cards."They were seen near Wirtz Hall and Reavis Hall Aug. 31. The individuals were not working with...

Interning worth lost free time

By Matthew Flores | April 13, 2014

Sacrificing time from your summer for an internship will benefit you in the long run.Every year students leave after their final exams to go home, take summer jobs or travel. They should use that time to gain experience that may get them a better career.“Internships...

Retired professor dies at 70

By Northern Star Staff | August 29, 2012

Communications professor Arthur Paul Doederlein died at the age of 70 last Friday, an NIU Today article stated. Doederlein, who retired in 2010, served as an undergraduate studies director for the communications department for 30 years. He advised thousands...