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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Student Senate, DeKalb police chief connect

By Shaz Sheikhali | October 28, 2013

Police Chief Gene Lowery addressed the DeKalb Police Department’s relationship with students at the Student Association Senate meeting Sunday.Lowery, a guest speaker at the meeting, commended senators on the efforts they put in creating a connection...

DeKalb Mayor John Rey visited the Skyroom Sunday during the Student Association's Senate meeting to speak to members of SA. Rey said the city and NIU are looking to bridge gaps by communicating with city departments and officials and the student body, and by reaching out to student groups and organizations.

Rey meets with SA Senate, talks about NIU-city relationship

By Shaz Sheikhali | October 21, 2013

Mayor John Rey spoke with the Student Association Senate on city-university partnerships at the Senate’s meeting Sunday.CommuniversityRey hopes to build a relationship between NIU and the community. He plans on doing this by maintaining contact with...