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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Chemistry Club’s demo night to focus on hot and cold reactions

By Northern Star staff | March 16, 2015

Chemistry Club will hold its annual Chemistry Demo Night 7 p.m. March 27 in Faraday Hall, Room 143.Jon Carnahan, chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, said there will be free parking in the parking garage. This year the event’s theme...

Chem Demo will be loud, bright

By Northern Star Staff | March 27, 2014

Anyone can attend Chemistry Club’s Chem Demo Night at 6:30 p.m. Friday in Faraday Hall, Room 143.Organizers will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by levitating magnets, coloring fire and making “gold” pennies, color-changing bottles and solid water,...

Senior chemistry major Harrison Kuras demonstrates how gun
cotton reacts differently than regular cotton when placed to an
open flame.

NIU Chemistry Club hosts night of Halloween-themed demonstrations

By Lauren Dielman | October 26, 2011

The NIU Chemistry Club teamed up with the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry to present a night of explosive demonstrations. The club presented "A Halloween Demo Night" last night in Faraday Hall room 143. The demonstration consisted of 13 Halloween-related...