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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Opinion Editor Lucy Atkinson’s 12-year-old knees are crossed with bandaids. For children, scrapes are evidence of fun at the playground, just like failures as adults should be viewed as evidence of progress. (Courtesy of Shelley Atkinson)

Failure isn’t scary on summer legs

By Lucy Atkinson, Opinion Columnist | August 28, 2024

As a child, I spent every summer running on what my parents called "summer legs."  Summer legs were bruised from stumbling over tree stumps, bloody from tripping on asphalt, grass-stained from rolling down hills and dusty with remnants of rainbow...

J.K. Rowling's history of controversial tweets has led "Harry Potter" fans questioning the franchise.

Art should be separated from the artist

By Parker Otto | January 10, 2022
J.K. Rowling may be one of the defining authors of my childhood, but I detest the comments she has made invalidating transgender people. But why should art suffer? It’s still the same art, after all, and as long as it doesn’t contain anything that condones the actions of the artist, I see no reason why this art shouldn’t be celebrated.

Culture revolution continues under Colhoff as the head coach looks to the future

By Jarrett Huff | December 5, 2019

DeKALB — On a snowy Halloween afternoon, the women’s soccer team had one last chance to close the season on a high note, putting everything out on the field.The wind chilled to the bone, dispersing snow flurries all over the field and into the faces...

Safe Passage reaches to those in need

Safe Passage reaches to those in need

By Kyra Johnson, Lifestyle Writer | October 25, 2018
Doodling can be useful

Doodling can be useful

By Hayley Devitt | February 19, 2013

If you had an unhappy childhood, it was probably due to a teacher in grade school who made you feel lousy and embarrassed for doodling in class. Well, there may be other reasons. Nonetheless it is time to break the cycle of guilt. If you still doodle...

Stop ruining our childhood nostalgia

Stop ruining our childhood nostalgia

By David Thomas | February 6, 2011

Dear money-grubbing corporations, producers and executives: Please stop ruining my childhood. There is no need to remake everything I knew and loved before I hit the awkward phase of puberty. Yet you, Corporate America, insist on the opposite. After all,...