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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Crime Free Housing makes progress

Crime Free Housing makes progress

By Lark Lewis | April 14, 2014

The Committee of the Whole provided the City Council with the benefits — increased landlord training and property improvements — that stemmed from Crime Free Housing.The Committee of the Whole meeting was held at 5 p.m. Monday in the DeKalb Municipal...

City Attourney Dean Frieders discusses the plans to build a Culver’s on West Lincoln Highway during Monday’s City Council meeting at the DeKalb Municipal building, 200 S. Fourth St. City Council approved a permit for the Culver’s Drive-Thru at the meeting.

City Council gives Culvers drive-thru the thumbs up

By Keisha Howerth | March 24, 2014

City Council approved a permit for a Culver’s Drive-Thru at Monday’s meeting.The council also approved sign waivers for Culver’s, 1262 W. Lincoln Highway, to provide better visibility for the business.Plano residents Jeff and Marcia Newkirk have...

InFocus: What should change in the SA?

By Perspective Staff | March 23, 2014

Jeremiah CaterinaThe next Student Association leaders need to communicate more with the student body. I think this should be accomplished in two ways.First, our student leaders need to utilize more technology to reach out to students. Each executive position...

Temp. ordinances set for night clubs, e-cigs

By Alissa Jacob | March 18, 2014

After a unanimous vote for the first reading and waiving the second reading, DeKalb aldermen passed a temporary ordinance for e-cigarettes and teen night clubs that may come to the city.During the March 10 City Council meeting, an ordinance was approved...

Council wants more time for 2015 budget

By Keisha Howerth | February 25, 2014

City Council has decided the dates on which it will discuss the city’s budget, but it will change next year’s budget workshop schedule because it conflicts with NIU graduation.City Council discussed the current calendar year for the fiscal year budget...

Drive-thru window to bring jobs, convenience

By Keisha Howerth | February 19, 2014

DeKalb’s Panera Bread location anticipates a June opening for a drive-thru window.Panera Bread, 2476 Sycamore Road, hopes to provide customers with more convenience with this addition to the bakery-café.Hamra Enterprises owns and operates 33 Panera...


By Shaz Sheikhali | January 14, 2014

See what events pass and fail as judged by Perspective Editor Shaz Sheikhali.PassCity helps spread info on new Ill. lawCity Council is taking the initiative to ensure gunholders are aware that, yes, they may now carry concealed firearms, but not on various...

Council makes changes to reflect state law

By Lark Lewis | January 14, 2014

City Council looked at what role DeKalb will play in the state’s recently enacted medical marijuana and concealed carry laws at its meeting Monday.DeKalb has ordinances that prohibit the use of guns and the possession of drug paraphernalia and weed,...

City Council plans to discuss 2014 laws tonight

By Stoney Stone | January 13, 2014

City Council meets today to discuss changes to DeKalb’s municipal code in response to state legalization of medical marijuana and concealed carry.The City Council meeting will be held at 5 p.m. at the municipal building, 200 S. Fourth St.City attorney...

Fourth ward Alderman Bob Snow and Mayor John Rey talk during a Nov. 25 City Council meeting in the city’s municipal building. Some officials have expressed worry that the building is less safe than it used to be because the DeKalb Police Department moved to its station on West Lincoln Highway. The police used to work in the municipal building.

City officials concerned about security after police move out

By Ryan Chodora | December 9, 2013

Security in the municipal building has left something to be desired, according to some city officials, since the city police moved out of the municipal building to their station on West Lincoln Highway.Previously, the municipal building, 200 S. Fourth...

DeKalb planning for communiversity ‘square’

By Lark Lewis | November 13, 2013

A developer and the city are in the preliminary stages of making revisions to NB&T square in the hopes of creating a communiversity area.The area is located on Lincoln Highway between First and Pearl streets. The plan for the project is to provide...

DeKalb Council votes to support Egyptian

By Erin Kolb | November 13, 2013

Taxpayers will continue to support the Egyptian Theatre next year, as City Council approved TIF funding to continue through the 2014 fiscal year.TIF funds come from property taxes and are set aside to be used within the city. Mayor John Rey said the council...