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Northern Star

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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Be wary of Thanksgiving flavorists

By Cody Laplante | November 19, 2012

It’s the final countdown. Only two more days until my personal favorite holiday. But Thanksgiving is not my favorite just because I gather with family and we enjoy time together; every holiday has that component. It may sound heartless, but what makes...

Facing failures can be a key to success

By Cody Laplante | November 14, 2012

We have all been there: a class where the instructor asks a question and nobody answers. It’s awkward and everyone feels it. All eyes are on you. You know the answer but you don’t want to raise your hand. In almost every class that I am in this has...

Going home on weekends makes you miss out on opportunities, fun

By Cody Laplante | November 7, 2012

It happens everywhere. Freshmen around the country cannot wait to go to college and, once there, they cannot wait to get home. This is understandable. We all know the transition to college is hard. After the first few weeks we all started to miss our...

A judgemental society is not productive

By Cody Laplante | October 29, 2012

How many times a day are you judged based on your looks? How many times a day do you judge someone’s appearance? In both cases, the numbers are probably too high to count. When I walk to class, I know that I judge everyone I pass, putting them into...

What can you learn from your roommate?

By Cody Laplante | October 22, 2012

The honeymoon phase has come to a close and roommate bickering is at its highest. The CA’s are pulling out roommate agreements and you are about ready to pull your hair out. Yes, I know you have been living with this absolutely unreasonable person since...

Multiple choice tests provide little choice for student development

By Cody Laplante | October 15, 2012

Is it A, B, C or D? This is the question you have been asking yourself since elementary school. They are only four letters, so why is making the choice so intimidating? Because everything depends on which letter you choose. Your grades, your GPA, your...