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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Equality in the military is most important

Equality in the military is most important

By Cody Laplante | February 5, 2013

There are women in pretty much every position you can think of. There are women doctors, lawyers, firefighters and police officers. Many of us do not judge a female’s capabilities in any of these professions. However, when the Pentagon makes policy...

What corporate mergers mean for students

By Cody Laplante | February 3, 2013

A merge is a marriage of two businesses. The latest nuptial is between two major international companies: InBev and Grupo Modelo. You’ve heard of them right? No? Well, I bet you know their products. InBev, the producers of the beers Busch and Budweiser,...

De-stigmatize disabilities

By Cody Laplante | January 29, 2013

So we’ve all heard of the “F” word, the “B” word and the “N” word. Well what about the “R” word? That’s right--“retarded.” How many times a day do you use it? We have all heard of the campaign “Spread the word to end the word,”...

Politicians are walking advertisements

By Cody Laplante | January 27, 2013

“Yes We Can.” This was the phrase plastered across televisions in 2008. These three words were at the center of Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign. However, do these words give the voting population any indication as to the policies Obama...

Designer drugs pose new threat in U.S. war on drugs

By Cody Laplante | January 23, 2013

A government’s only purpose is to protect its citizens. For the most part, our government is pretty successful in this aspect. But in some cases the government is pretty powerless, especially with the issue of drugs. Now you’re asking, “How? The...

Lance Armstrong doesn’t deserve harsh criticism

By Cody Laplante | January 21, 2013

Days before the new year, USA Today writer Sharon Jayson dubbed 2012 as the “Year of the Cheater.” Among the participants of this allegation were David Petraeus’ love affair, the Goldman Sachs investment scam and of course the recently uncovered...

The dangers of too much technology in education

The dangers of too much technology in education

By Cody Laplante | January 15, 2013

It’s everywhere! There is an insane push for technology, including increased use of smartphones, tablets, mini tablets, ultra-super-uber-duper mini tablets and whatever other devices hit the market. Yes, we are in a world where fast, small and virtual...

Get involved

Stay involved in the NIU community

By Cody Laplante | January 14, 2013

Often I write columns about world issues, politics or something else that you might hear about on CNN. While these issues are important, they are very big. What I mean by this is that unless you are a U.S. senator or a CEO of a large corporation, there...

Holiday Shopping Showdown

By Troy Doetch & Cody Laplante | December 9, 2012

When, in our last Perspective meeting of the fall semester, fellow columnist Cody Laplante pitched his column idea—that an inexpensive, thoughtful Christmas gift is always better than a thoughtless, yet expensive one—I was overwhelmed with the intensity...

Point/Counterpoint: Congressional term limits

By Cody Laplante & Danny Cozzi | December 5, 2012

Cody Laplante “In free governments, the rulers are the servants and the people their superiors and sovereigns.” But this phrase of Benjamin Franklin’s has lost its meaning in government. It is true that we still determine the jobs of our leaders....

It’s time to make voices heard in legalization debate

By Cody Laplante | November 28, 2012

Two months ago, marijuana for recreational use was banned across the United States. But as of Election Day, the people of Colorado and Washington changed this. Taking their constituents’ opinions into consideration, both states have recently passed...

InFocus: Thanksgiving

By Cody Laplante, Troy Doetch, and Leah Spagnoli | November 19, 2012

All the food at Thanksgiving is simply amazing. More importantly, after a semester of dorm food, Thanksgiving means a fresh, home-cooked meal. But every year there is one thing that stands out in my mind and stomach. I just love a well-done turkey. Last...