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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Kavanaugh’s appointment instigates rape culture

By Northern Star Editorial Board | October 10, 2018

The Northern Star Editorial Board feels the hearings and election of Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court perpetuate rape culture, the belittling of sex crimes as a result of societal attitudes about gender and sexuality.President Donald Trump...

Republican stigma unjustified

By Ian Tancun | March 20, 2017

Anti-Republican backlash, which has grown nationally since Election Day, is reflective of challenges associated with being a Republican in President Donald Trump’s America. Challenges that make organizations like NIU College Republicans crucial in helping...

Clay Campbell DeKalb County States Attorney (right) speaks in Stevenson South Towers October 24, 2012 at a meeting of the NIU College Republicans. Campbell addressed current university issues including transparency with the coffee fund and crime on campus.

DeKalb County state’s attorney addressed coffee fund, public safety Wednesday

By Cierria McPerryman | October 24, 2012

Clay Campbell, DeKalb County state’s attorney, visited the NIU College Republicans to talk about the coffee fund allegations and campus safety. Campbell said he came to NIU to use his ideals, like civic responsibility, to make an impact on people affected...

Columnist dives into why women vote GOP

By Hayley Devitt | October 17, 2012

I have my reasons for voting for President Barack Obama on Nov. 6. To say the least, I feel the incumbent is more in touch with the average American citizen than former Gov. Mitt Romney even pretends to be. However, I recently found an online discussion...

(Students names from left to right on couch): Junior communications major Jordan Reed; Andy Vikre, junior political science major; and Delonte LeFlore, senior organizational and computer communications major, watch the first presidential debate from the New Orleans Room of Stevenson C Tower Wednesday night. The debate was between presidential candidate Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama.

Students divided over who ‘won’ presidential debate

By Alan Kozeluh | October 4, 2012

The first 2012 presidential debate triggered mixed reactions from members of student organizations. Members of the Black Student Union (BSU) gathered in Stevenson C Tower to watch the debate. Phillip Jones, College Democrats president, senior political...

Occupy Wall Street compilation to benefit movement

Occupy Wall Street compilation to benefit movement

By Jessica Cabe | April 30, 2012

In September, a nation once condemned for its apathy spawned one of the biggest sociopolitical movements in the past fifty years. Occupy Wall Street has grown into an international protest calling for progressive reformation of the relationship between...

Study finds Millennial generation less focused on caring, community, political engagement

By Felix Sarver | April 3, 2012

Money, image and fame. These are the values people of the Millennial generation or Generation Y - those born in the 1980s and 1990s - focus on more than any other, according to a March 2012 study from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology....

Point, Counterpoint: College Republicans vs College Democrats

By Parker Happ and Aaron Brooks | February 1, 2012

Parker Happ: College Republicans are open minded. You may have raised an eyebrow at that statement, but believe it. College Republican Chairman Marc Belbis said, "If you have libertarian values, conservative values, neoconservative values, social conservative...