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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

A cartoon depicts a day in the life of the ordinary rooming with the unexplained in a puzzling matter. The cartoonist created different panels representing a comic strip and got their inspiration from the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip. (Nicholas Rojas | Northern Star)

Rick and Tom: Puzzle

By Nicholas Rojas, Cartoonist | January 23, 2025

CARTOON: Spooky Golf

By Isaac Trusty, Cartoonist | October 30, 2022


‘Polarity’ comic impresses Say Anything fans

By Aymie Telinski | April 8, 2013

We live in a world where we’re told we can do or be anything--by day we can be the lead singer for Say Anything, but by night, who knows?--maybe we can write some comic books about being bipolar. The first of four issues of the comic book Polarity by...

‘Polarity’ comic book to please Say Anything fans

By Aymie Telinski | February 27, 2013

There is nothing I love more in life than when one of my favorite singers announces they are doing a project that is so unrelated to music. When Max Bemis, the lead singer of the band Say Anything, announced he was coming out with not one comic book but...