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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Congressman delivers townhall at NIU

By Ali Combs | April 21, 2013

Adam Kinzinger, U.S. Representative for the 16th District in Illinois, put himself in the hot seat at a town hall style meeting at the Holmes Student Center Saturday. Kinzinger responded to questions about taxation, gun control and student issues. Kinzinger...

Congressman Randy Hultgren needs to answer some tougher questions

Congressman Randy Hultgren needs to answer some tougher questions

By Letter writer | February 22, 2011

I am disappointed with the recent Northern Star "fluff" interview with our new Republican Congressman Randy Hultgren. This is a fellow who wishes to abolish the U.S. Department of Education and cut the EPA, opposes regulation of the big banks, voted against...

Hultgren gives advice to graduating college students

Hultgren gives advice to graduating college students

By Jessica Sabbah | February 10, 2011

This is the final installment of a five-part series in which the Northern Star interviews Congressman Randy Hultgren, who took office this January. Northern Star: How much time do you spend in Illinois vs. DC? What is it like living in DC? Randy Hultgren:...

Letter to the Editor: Vote Hultgren on Nov. 2

By Letter Writer | October 27, 2010

I am a young small businessman, a multi-tour Iraq veteran, a brand new father and a commuting NIU student. I pay close attention to our elected leaders and the votes they take, and I have been getting very frustrated with Congressman Bill Foster. While...

Endorsements: Bill Foster for the 14th District

By Editorial Board | October 19, 2010

The Northern Star Editorial Board endorses Bill Foster as U.S. Congressman of the 14th District of Ill. Although his opponent Randy Hultgren is also a strong candidate, we feel that Foster has already accomplished a lot in the district since being first...