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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Multiple events planned for National Eating Disorders Awareness Week

By Northern Star staff | February 20, 2015

Different activities will be held throughout the upcoming week for the ninth annual Eating Disorder Awareness Week.People are encouraged to wear purple to show support for eating disorder recovery, and these free events are open for all.“Overall, the...

Eating disorder recovery takes help, strength

By Blake Glosson | February 25, 2014

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week might seem obscure and unnecessary to many students. But for me, this week has special significance.Not many years ago, I met every DSM-5 mental disorder criterion for bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder....

Shani Riley, theatre major wrapped herself in the covers of her twin bed in Neptune North as calls home to her parents.

Students fighting homesickness have options for help

By Cierria McPerryman | October 22, 2012

While students can suffer from homesickness for many reasons, there are many ways to fight it. Missing friends, not making connections on campus, feeling uncomfortable in a new environment or feeling disconnected can be all causes of homesickness in students,...

NIU Prism, Career Services to hold first LGBTQ alumni panel

NIU Prism, Career Services to hold first LGBTQ alumni panel

By Lauren Dielman | April 8, 2012

Those attending NIU’s first Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ) Alumni Panel will hear personal stories from when the panelists were students at NIU and what their lives are like now. The panel will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday...

‘The big bad bully’: Cyberbullying on campus

By Chelsey Boutan | March 21, 2012

Cara Pines* was excited to get an apartment with her friend. But when disagreements arose regarding who would get the attached bathroom, Pines decided not to sign the lease. Soon after, her friend became upset and started bullying Pines over Facebook...

Derek Koegel, senior political science major, receives a shirt after taking the NorthernPACT pledge in DuSable Hall Monday afternoon.

Northern PACT promotes open community

By Felix Sarver | February 27, 2012

Open community is the new theme for Northern PACT this year. This week, Northern PACT is reaffirming the pledges students made last semester and inviting students new to the Northern PACT to make pledges this semester. “Since most students sign the...

Active Minds, Ben Gordon Center to offer services and events for Suicide Prevention Week

By Felix Sarver | September 7, 2011

Active Minds and the Ben Gordon Center are offering services and events during National Suicide Prevention Week, which goes through Saturday. The Active Minds chapter at NIU is sponsoring walks at St. Charles and Rockford called "Here for Life!" Saturday...

Study Space Series: Campus tutoring services help students focus, apply skills

By Kyla Gardner | April 13, 2011

Some students may feel they know the best places to study, searching out nooks in the academic buildings or reclining in the Gallery Lounge in the Holmes Student Center. But once they sit down and crack open those textbooks and class notes, some students...

Emotional Healing series helps students

By Ryan Griesmeyer | September 22, 2010

Students with psychological disorders have a place to look for help. Tuesdays from 3 to 4:30 p.m. beginning Oct. 5, the Emotional Healing series will be held in the Grant Satellite office. The series is a five-week coping skills series for students. College...

NIU counseling center provides support for students

By MaryJo Kratochvil | August 30, 2010

For students who are feeling stressed, depressed or anywhere in between, the answer may be closer than you think. The Counseling and Student Development Center, located in the Campus Life Building Room 200, has been helping NIU students solve their issues...