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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker speaks at a press conference on April 4. The recently passed bill, "HB2831," expands on Pritzker's executive order to create a task force to combat homelessness in Illinois. (Sean Reed | Northern Star)

Illinois bill to combat homelessness passes

By Rachel Cormier, News Reporter | May 8, 2023

DeKALB – A bipartisan vote of 50-2 Thursday passed a bill that would build on Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s previous executive order to combat homelessness in Illinois. Bill “HB2831” was passed in both Houses and was a win for the Supportive Housing...

The south side of the Holmes Student Center on a foggy day. The hospitality and tourism major has been dissolved, instead becoming an emphasis in the College of Business. (Mingda Wu | Northern Star)

Hospitality and tourism management major to change, move

By Joseph Howerton, Video Editor | April 9, 2023

DeKALB – In 2021, NIU decided the hospitality and tourism management major would be shifted from the College of Health and Human Sciences to an emphasis in the College of Business. Students previously enrolled in the program are set to graduate in...

The NIU Recreation Center’s new sign on Thursday. NIU Recreation is reviving a program where faculty and staff can play pickup basketball games. (Mingda Wu | Northern Star)

Staff and faculty shoot hoops and build camaraderie

By Joseph Howerton, Video Editor | April 6, 2023

DeKALB – NIU’s Recreation Center is seeking to revive an old tradition – shooting hoops with faculty and staff. NIU faculty and staff are encouraged by NIU Recreation to take part in basketball pickup games at noon Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays...

A close view of a completed panel of samples being tested in the COVID-19 wastewater screening lab at NIU. (Sean Reed | Northern Star)

IN PICTURES: Inside NIU’s COVID wastewater screening lab

By Sean Reed, Photo Editor | January 26, 2023

DeKALB – Northern Illinois University students and faculty have not been required to regularly screen for COVID-19 since the 2021-22 academic year, in favor of testing when symptomatic. In the absence of SHIELD testing, NIU has implemented a new way...

An automated machine that separates out wastewater samples for the NIU Covid-19 surveillance lab to test for traces of the virus. (Sean Reed | Northern Star)

Wastewater screening indicates campus COVID-19 levels

By Bridgette Fox, Written Managing Editor | January 26, 2023

DeKALB – Although students are no longer required by NIU to screen for COVID-19, wastewater screening shows how much of the virus is present at different residence halls – which is a tool for students trying to stay healthy. Barrie Bode, professor...

The booster clinic will be held at the NIU Convocation Center.

COVID-19 vaccine booster clinic to be held at the NIU Convocation Center

By Eddie Drinkwine | September 29, 2022

DeKALB — The DeKalb County Health Department will host a COVID-19 vaccine booster clinic from noon to 3 p.m. on Friday at the NIU Convocation Center. Those who would like to receive a booster vaccine must wait the appropriate amount of time before...

NIU bus driver waits at the bus stop on University Circle. NIU public transit, which includes the Huskie Line busses will no longer require masks.

DeKalb public transit drops mask mandate

By Ally Formeller, News Reporter | April 24, 2022
Huskie Line and Greyhound bus passengers will no longer be required to wear a mask following the updated federal mandate.
Gen Z is one of the last groups of kids to know life before the pandemic.

OPINION: Kids growing up in the pandemic live in a different world than us

By Angelina Padilla-Tompkins, Former Editor in Chief | February 15, 2022
Gen Z is one of the last groups of kids to know life before the pandemic.
As a snowstorm ripped across the Midwest last week, many universities, including NIU, let professors decide whether or not their classes would be held online.

Online classes are a great alternative for snow days

By Parker Otto | February 7, 2022
Using online classes to eliminate snow days is a worthwhile endeavor.
A performance by Neil Young on October 8, 2016

from the music festival Desert Trip, held at the Empire Polo Club.

OPINION: Neil Young is justified in removing his music from Spotify

By Ally Formeller, News Reporter | February 3, 2022
Neil Young is justified in taking a stand against Spotify for continuing to endorse and host content with unverified information about COVID-19.  
A photograph of a variety of masks intended for use against COVID-19.

NIU gives out N95, KN95 masks

By Elisa Reamer | January 25, 2022

DeKALB — NIU has free N95 and KN95 masks available for all faculty, staff and students to protect the health of those on campus.  The free masks are available at all residence hall front desks, the welcome desk on the lower level of the Holmes Student...

A photograph of a variety of masks intended for use against COVID-19.

Coping with COVID-19 on campus

By Quade Evans, Opinion Columnist | January 25, 2022

The COVID-19 outbreak shut down a lot of things, from essential services to social venues. The campus was hit particularly hard by the lack of campus activities. While NIU is returning to in-person classes this week, things are still far from normal....