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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Super Bowl prop bets can give fans another fun way to enjoy the big game

By Matt Boecker | January 31, 2020

DeKALB — Every year, the Super Bowl brings people together to watch the big game, indulge in some buffalo dip and eat some other food that won’t leave it’s consumer feeling very rosy in the morning. There’s another fold that can be added to the...

InFocus: What song helps you study?

By Northern Star staff | November 30, 2015

Deanna Frances | @DeannaFrancesNs“Don’t Stop Believin’” by JourneyEven though “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey is 34 years old, it is a classic “get up and go” song. This song is a great one to listen to when you’re getting stressed...

Fall concert Guide

By Michael Malaychuk | October 5, 2015

If the end of summer weather and endless live music has you down, don’t panic. There’s plenty of great concerts in the Chicagoland area to choose from over the next three months.OctoberIf strong vocals are more up your alley, “Habits” vocalist...

Ravinia Festival offers change from 'antics' of other festivals

Ravinia Festival offers change from ‘antics’ of other festivals

By Lindsey Diehl | April 24, 2012

Are you into outdoor summer concerts but not into the crazy antics of festivals like Summercamp, Lollapalooza and North Coast? Well, you’re in luck. You can leave the glitter and face paint at home and travel to Ravinia Festival, 200 Ravinia Park Road,...