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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Tom Stanton, Danny Did Foundation representative, and his grandmother throw rubber ducks into the Kishwaukee River on Sunday for the Alpha Phi Omega 12th Annual Duck Race which helped raise money for the Danny Did Foundation. The Danny Did Foundation is dedicated to help prevent deaths caused by seizures.

APO to hold annual Duck Race for Hungry Huskies

By Northern Star staff | February 11, 2016

Alpha Phi Omega will hold its annual Duck Race event to raise money for the Hungry Huskies on April 24 behind the NIU Public Radio Station.The Hungry Huskies provide free meals to students and community members in DeKalb and Sycamore every Sunday at the...

Charles Fischer, Graham Crackers Comics owner, looks for comic for a customer April 21 at Graham Crackers Comics, 901 Lucinda Ave.

‘Magic: The Gathering’ event to raise money for Alpha Phi Omega’s annual Duck Race

By Northern Star staff | March 20, 2015

Graham Crackers Comics and Alpha Phi Omega will hold Friday Night Magic 7 p.m. to midnight April 3 at Graham Crackers Comics, 901 Lucinda Ave.Friday Night Magic is a charity event featuring the trading card game “Magic: The Gathering.” There is a...

Tom Stanton, Danny Did Foundation representative, and his grandmother throw rubber ducks into the Kishwaukee River on Sunday for the Alpha Phi Omega 12th Annual Duck Race which helped raise money for the Danny Did Foundation. The Danny Did Foundation is dedicated to help prevent deaths caused by seizures.

Service fraternity hosts annual duck race

By Guadalupe Lopez | April 14, 2013

Ducks of the plastic variety raced down the Kishwaukee River to help a student organization raise money. Alpha Phi Omega (APO) hosted its 12th Annual Duck Race on Sunday outside the WNIJ radio station building, 801 N. First Street. All proceeds from the...