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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Faculty Senate holds final meeting of the semester

By Logan Love | April 24, 2013

Passing three resolutions, members of the Faculty Senate sent a message to the administration about the meaning of shared governance at its final meeting of this academic year on Wednesday. Representatives at the meeting said shared government should...

Faculty Senate discusses presidential search

By Logan Love | March 27, 2013

The presidential search was discussed in depth at the Faculty Senate meeting Wednesday. A new policy for joint appointed faculty members was recommended for the University Council and the Student Association (SA) asked for the faculty’s support in improving...

Tuition waivers discussed in Faculty Senate

By Kia Clair | February 20, 2013

The Faculty Senate discussed types of tuition waivers at its meeting Wednesday. Attendees were informed of the potential changes in tuition waiver funding and recommended changes to budget priorities. “What I heard was that each graduate assistant comes...

President Peter’s replacement discussed in faculty senate meeting

By Kevin Steiger | January 23, 2013

The Faculty Senate met Wednesday to discuss a range of topics, including how much NIU spent on the Orange Bowl and the search for NIU President John Peters’ successor. According to Faculty Senate President Alan Rosenbaum, there have been 27 candidates...

Michael Theodore, member of the Student Association Senate, gives a report at the faculty senate meeting on Wednesday.

Faculty Senate looks at future of higher education

By Felix Sarver | November 28, 2012

The challenges of higher education were discussed at a Faculty Senate meeting Wednesday. Raymond Alden, executive vice president and provost, gave a presentation to the senate on the problems higher education institutions are facing and the ways public...

Faculty Senate discusses state retirement legislation, hears from SA about grading

By Erin Kolb | October 31, 2012

A Student Association (SA) representative urged NIU to stop actions toward a plus/minus grading system at a Faculty Senate meeting Wednesday. SA Senate Clerk Chad Harris came to Faculty Senate to bring up a resolution the SA passed at their Sunday meeting...

Sophomore business administration majors Michelle DiVita (left) and Nick Nudo (right) study at Founders Memorial Library.

University Council to vote on grading policy

By Felix Sarver | October 9, 2012

A plus/minus grading system which has faced opposition from some students may be vetoed at a University Council (UC) meeting today. After nearly two years of discussion and debate, the Undergraduate Coordinating Council (UCC) submitted their meeting minutes...

Faculty Senate debates issue of crime on campus

By Lauren Dielman | October 3, 2012

Oct. 8 correction: In an Oct. 4 article titled “Safety discussed,” the Northern Star incorrectly reported that the undergraduate plus/minus grading system was approved at a Faculty Senate meeting. The plus/minus grading system was not voted on at...

Quick talks about issues on campus at Faculty Senate meeting

Quick talks about issues on campus at Faculty Senate meeting

By Meghan Connell | September 5, 2012

Austin Quick accompanied by Kelsey Shockey speak on behalf of the Student Association at Wednesday's Faculty Senate meeting in the Holmes Student Center. Quick talks about many issues on campus, including the need for an updated recreation facility and...

Faculty Senate voices concerns about enrollment, faculty retirements

Faculty Senate voices concerns about enrollment, faculty retirements

By Felix Sarver | September 5, 2012

Concerns about student enrollment and faculty retirements were raised at the first Faculty Senate meeting of the fall semester Wednesday. Faculty Senate President Alan Rosenbaum said he heard from faculty and people on campus “catastrophic statements”...

Faculty Senate discusses academic summer session, grade change proposal

By Lauren Dielman | April 25, 2012

At its last meeting of the semester, Faculty Senate discussed the academic summer session, a grade change proposal and online teaching evaluations. One of the most highly debated topics of the night was the academic summer session. Faculty Senate President...

Faculty Senate looks at funding possibilities for Rec Center

By Felix Sarver | April 4, 2012

A look into a different way to fund the Campus Recreation Center was reported to the Faculty Senate Wednesday. Austin Quick, Student Association Senate Speaker, told the Faculty Senate he was working with the university administration to create a dedicated...