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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Haunted Haven barn stands illuminated by red spotlights. Owner Melissa Norton has run the Haunted Haven for 14 seasons. (Brandon Clark | Northern Star)

‘Haunt family’ pours soul into horror attraction

By Brandon Clark, News Reporter | October 26, 2023

ROCK FALLS – Ghouls, goblins and other hellish creatures stalk the patrons of Haunted Haven, a popular horror attraction nestled in the cornfields of Whiteside County. Owner Melissa Norton has been running Haunted Haven, at 29038 Grennan Road for...

YMCA to host Halloween Bash

By Jacob Roushia | October 16, 2019

DeKALB — The YMCA will host its annual YMCA Halloween Bash at 4 p.m. Saturday at the Sycamore High School Field House, 427 Spartan Trail, Sycamore.The event is open to the public and admission will cost $3 if purchased before noon and $5 starting...

A student volunteer disguises himself and hides behind a door to frighten others at Haunted Huskies, held by Holmes Student Center Programming on Nov. 2, 2015.

4 things to do before the weekend

By Northern Star staff | October 27, 2016

A student volunteer disguises himself and hides behind a door to frighten others at Haunted Huskies, held by Holmes Student Center Programming on Nov. 2, 2015.

Haunted house sets up on stadium’s west side

By Matt Carlson | October 30, 2013

Huskie Stadium is usually known for its football team, but this Halloween it will serve up a different type of scary as the new location of Haunted Huskies, a haunted house sponsored by Neptune Hall Council.Typically, the haunted house takes place in...

Screams to come from Egyptian's Amenti Haunted House

Screams to come from Egyptian’s Amenti Haunted House

By Alan Kozeluh | October 17, 2013

The Amenti Haunted House at the Egyptian Theatre, 135 N. Second St., opens its doors for spooks and scares on Friday.Over the course of two weeks, volunteers have been transforming the historic theater into a winding maze.The haunted house is an Egyptian...

Egyptian Theatre’s Haunted Tour offers more than scares

By Heather Skrip | October 3, 2010

Okay, I'll admit it-I get scared super easily. That is more than likely a large understatement. I am that person who shrieks if someone turns a corner too fast in front of me, who goes into hysterics whenever I see a bug and has other slightly irrational...