Northern Star




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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Find alternative ways to stay clean

By Hayley Devitt | January 14, 2013

Whether you are cheap, lazy, concerned about plastic bottles polluting the Earth or the chemicals that societal norms urge you to slather on yourself, there is a solution for you. I’m talking about the “no poo movement,” and no, it is not about...

Street names hold deep history

Street names hold deep history

By Hayley Devitt | January 13, 2013

Who is Annie Glidden, anyway? You know, of Annie Glidden Road? What about Lucinda? Ever since moving to DeKalb to attend NIU, I have wondered who these two women were and why they were important enough to have busy streets named after them. I say this...

Media censorship can send mixed messages

By Hayley Devitt | December 5, 2012

Many times this year have I heard the infectious pop groove Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People. However, a couple weeks ago I heard it in a way that shocked me—on the radio, with “gun” and “bullet” censored. I couldn’t help thinking that...

Tips for productive, successful all-nighter

By Hayley Devitt | November 28, 2012

For some, staying up all night to do homework is unheard of. I used to think that, but only until I took on four studio art classes at NIU. Art students are a special breed of human. Although people of all majors have been known to stay up all night writing...

How to celebrate Thanksgiving as a vegetarian

By Hayley Devitt | November 19, 2012

The hardest part of going vegetarian and coming to a family dinner is turning down food that someone made with love for you. Many won’t understand, will worry about your nutrition or think you’re being rude. However, with time and a little practice,...

Parties just aren’t for everyone

By Hayley Devitt | November 12, 2012

“I’m so bored! This is awkward! Why did I come?” Sound familiar? Maybe you’ve given your best effort to mingling at parties and being more sociable. However, if you’ve run the party gamut and still find yourself unbearably uncomfortable in a...

Childhood depression needs attention

By Hayley Devitt | November 7, 2012

Sometimes I think life would be so easy if only I could go back to being a kid. Unfortunately, not all kids are happy-go-lucky. Though uncommon, children can have major depressive disorder. Now, I’ve often heard the argument, “What does a kid have...

Halloween sends mixed messages to children

By Hayley Devitt | October 30, 2012

The word “Halloween” usually conjures up images of mischief and merriment both for kids and college students, right? Well, looking back on all the things children typically experience on and just before Oct. 31, it seems abundantly clear to me now...

Thrifting in DeKalb is a fun weekend activity for all

By Hayley Devitt | October 24, 2012

Having style and necessary home items while on a budget is vital to college students. Fortunately, DeKalb is home to an exciting number of thrift stores which have many advantages. Thrifting is a fun activity for the weekend due to its exploratory nature....

Columnist dives into why women vote GOP

By Hayley Devitt | October 17, 2012

I have my reasons for voting for President Barack Obama on Nov. 6. To say the least, I feel the incumbent is more in touch with the average American citizen than former Gov. Mitt Romney even pretends to be. However, I recently found an online discussion...

Conversations that simply don’t need to happen anymore

By Hayley Devitt | October 15, 2012

You know how there are some conversations you’re tired of having? Do you ever get sick of the same worn-out topics? Like how a lot of us have pet peeves, there are some conversations I wish would die out. No. 1 is “The ’90s were the best for cartoons.”...

What does Homecoming mean to you?

By Northern Star Staff | October 11, 2012

Troy Doetch Columnist I’ve never directly participated in Homecoming. I’ve never watched the game, except inattentively on a television in my peripheral. I’ve never voted for one of the unfamiliar faces in the Homecoming Court. I’ve never rep’d...