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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Renovations to the Egyptian Theatre, 135 N. Second St., were postponed two additional weeks following concerns regarding expansion into Palmer Court.  

Egyptian Theatre renovations see postponement to achieve compromise

By Kierra Frazier | February 28, 2019

Renovations to the Egyptian Theatre, 135 N. Second St., were postponed two additional weeks following concerns regarding expansion into Palmer Court.



Cracker Jax is a vintage and antique clothing and gift store located at 118 N. 3rd St. in downtown DeKalb.

Several DeKalb businesses have old-time character

By Olivia Willoughby | March 27, 2012

Downtown DeKalb is home to several businesses that carry an old-time feel. The DeKalb Confectionary, 149 N. Second Street, brings residents and students on what Co-owner Todd Hendrey calls a trip back to childhood. “We try to be an old-fashioned candy...

DeKalb home of the good burger

By Danny Ciamprone | April 17, 2011

DeKALB | Those searching for a good burger do not need to look far in DeKalb. Mark Megallanes, manager of Applebee's, 2411 Sycamore Road, said it is the different variations of burgers that keep customers coming back, including the Cowboy and Philly burger....

V-Day restaurant specials

By Melissa Mastrogiovanni | February 11, 2011

DeKalb | While the clock is ticking down to Valentine’s Day, DeKalb and Sycamore restaurants are preparing special holiday menu items to spice up the typical “dinner-and-a-movie” date. Hillside RestaurantHillside Restaurant, 121 N. Second St. DeKalb,...

Downtown area shines with local business

By John Bachmann | September 22, 2010

Whether it's been a couple years or more than a decade, many businesses have established themselves in downtown DeKalb. The Egyptian Theatre, 135 N. Second St., has been around for over 80 years offering various forms of entertainment. Executive Director...