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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

There needs to be a cap on individual net worth

There needs to be a cap on individual net worth

By Aaron Brooks | April 24, 2011

If money is finite, then hoarding money is a crime. I remember when I was in Sunday School and my youth leader, David Pauley, asked one day, "If a genie gave you three wishes, what would they be?" I responded, "To fly, have world peace (my Jesus answer)...

Corporations should not be treated as individuals

Corporations should not be treated as individuals

By Nathan Fulkerson | March 7, 2011

A century-old battle has been fought over the concept of "corporate personhood," a political construction that grants corporations the same rights afforded to human beings. On its face, corporate personhood is a matter of logistics--corporations are...