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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Arpacz and Janet Tessier

By Kelly Bauer | September 14, 2012

Cpt. Tony Arpacz of the State Police and Janet Tessier, half-sister of Jack McCullough, answer questions from a media outlet following a post-verdict press conference. Tessier testified against McCullough during the trial, saying her mother, Eileen Tessier,...

Tessiers grateful to law enforcement who put case together

By Kelly Bauer | September 14, 2012

Following a post-verdict press conference, members of the Tessier family leave the Legislative Center, 200 N. Main St. in Sycamore. The family members were talking and joking; Janet Tessier, in black at right, had expressed joy and gratefulness toward...

Bob Tessier, the half-brother of Jack McCullough, speaks at a press conference following the conviction of McCullough for the 1957 kidnapping of Maria Ridulph, 7. Janet Tessier, Bob's sister and McCullough's half-sister, stands beside him. The Tessiers thanked law enforcement officials for solving the case.

Tessiers at Conference

By Kelly Bauer | September 14, 2012

Bob Tessier, the half-brother of Jack McCullough, speaks at a press conference following the conviction of McCullough for the 1957 kidnapping of Maria Ridulph, 7. Janet Tessier, Bob's sister and McCullough's half-sister, stands beside him. The Tessiers...

On Sept. 14, 2012, Jack McCullough was found guilty of kidnapping and murdering 7-year-old Maria Ridulph in 1957.

McCullough found guilty on all counts at trial

By Kelly Bauer | September 14, 2012

UPDATE, 12:14 p.m.: According to the Daily Chronicle, Tessier family members and Kathy Chapman have said justice has been served, and defense attorney Tom McCulloch says Jack McCullough has brought up the appeal process. ---- Jack McCullough, 72, the...

McCullough found not guilty in rape trial

By Dave Gong | April 12, 2012

Tears flowed once again at the DeKalb County Courthouse Courtroom 204, 133 W. State St. in Sycamore, as Circuit Judge Robbin Stuckert found Jack Daniel McCullough not guilty of all charges. McCullough, 72, was charged with one count of rape, a Class X...

This July 27, 2011, file photo provided by the DeKalb County Sheriff's Department in Sycamore, Ill, shows Jack Daniel McCullough, 72, of Seattle.

Judge finds McCullough not guilty in rape trial

By Northern Star Staff | April 12, 2012

Former Sycamore resident Jack Daniel McCullough was found not guilty of the rape of his then-teenage half-sister, Jeanne Tessier, 50 years ago. Judge Robbin Stuckert delivered the verdict. McCullough was found not guilty of rape and taking indecent liberties...

Judge to render verdict in McCullough trial

By Northern Star Staff | April 11, 2012

A verdict for Jack Daniel McCullough’s rape trial is expected Thursday, after the prosecution and defense rested their cases Wednesday. Presiding Judge Robbin Stuckert said she planned to have McCullough’s verdict ready by Thursday morning, according...

This July 27, 2011, file photo provided by the DeKalb County Sheriff's Department in Sycamore, Ill, shows Jack Daniel McCullough, 72, of Seattle.

Four witnesses called in first day of McCullough trial

By Dave Gong | April 10, 2012

Wiping a tear from her eye, Jeanne Tessier, 64, of Cadiz, Ky., recounted the events of a sunny spring afternoon in 1962, 50 years ago. “It was a warm day and I was sitting on the front steps of my family home,” Tessier said. This was the first scene...