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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Event Guide: June 29

By Northern Star staff | June 28, 2015

The DeKalb music scene never slows down — not even in the summer. Check out this week’s local events and activities:MondayEverything will be just fine because Jim Adkins of Jimmy Eat World is coming to DeKalb. Adkins will perform covers, Jimmy Eat...

Winterize your playlists to get ready for the snowy season

By Sarah Contreras | December 1, 2011

Winter Playlist! Because every season needs a playlist, and now that school is over you will actually have time to listen to music again. 1. "O Tannenbaum" - Vince Guaraldi Trio: Nothing signals the beginning of the holiday season like the Charlie Brown...

Dash Cunning takes on robots and harmonies

By Tony Martin | April 13, 2011

Dash Cunning is returning to DeKalb, and this is good news. A quality blend of ‘90s punk and the anthemic emo popularized by bands like Jimmy Eat World, Dash Cunning is one of the more exciting openers on any bill in DeKalb this year. They played their...

Are student opinions really heard at the Convo?

By Chris Krapek | February 20, 2011

A few weeks ago, it was looking pretty grim. The line-up for the spring semester at the Convocation Center was filled with shows that weren't directly aimed at college students. So far, there's been a Christian music concert, well-respected gospel singer...