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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

John Acardo stands in front of Altgeld Hall. Acardo was recently hired as the senior associate vice president and chief Human Resource officer. (Courtesy of John Acardo)

John Acardo to ‘shape HR’ at NIU

By Devin Oommen, News Editor | October 3, 2023

DeKALB – John Acardo, an NIU graduate, has taken on the role of chief Human Resources officer. Acardo spoke to the Northern Star about his plans. CAN YOU TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF AND YOUR BACKGROUND? “I'm originally from Rockford. Through my academic...

New county clerk looks to technology

By Jessi Haish | October 21, 2013

DeKalb County’s newest clerk has been in his role for just a month, but he’s ready to see how he can use his background to help county residents.Douglas J. Johnson, county clerk and recorder, was appointed by the County Board after the former clerk...

D-428 school board candidates to meet with the community

By Ali Combs | April 1, 2013

Feed ’em Soup is hosting Meet Your School Board Candidates today to give citizens an opportunity to learn more about the five individuals running for a District 428 school board seat. DeKalb County Clerk John Acardo said there will be three seats vacated...

Margie Multon (right), Dekalb election judge of ten years, assists senior family and child studies major Jesmine Goins in the voting process for last year's presidential election. The voting took place at the St. Paul's Episcopal church on Normal Road on November 6, 2012.

DeKalb sees increase in early voting

By Erin Kolb | March 17, 2013

The number of early voters in DeKalb County is rising every year. John Acardo, DeKalb County clerk and recorder, said early voting, which is open for 40 days before Election Day, is beneficial to everyone involved. Acardo said there are many places to...

Margie Multon, Dekalb election judge of ten years, assists senior family and child studies major Jesmine Goins in the voting process for this years presidential election. The voting took place at the St. Paul's Episcopal church on Normal Road on Nov. 6.

Early bird gets the election: Early voting on rise in County

By Erin Kolb | March 7, 2013

The number of early voters in DeKalb County is rising every year. John Acardo, DeKalb County clerk and recorder, said early voting, which is open for 40 days before Election Day, is beneficial to everyone involved. Acardo said there are many places to...

Filing deadline extended for general election

By Northern Star Staff | December 4, 2012

The filing deadline for the April general elections has been extended. Gov. Pat Quinn signed into law a bill that extends the amount of time candidates have to file their nominating papers with local offices, according to a Dec. 3 news release from DeKalb...

County Clerk’s office to open on weekends

By Northern Star Staff | November 27, 2012

To keep up with high demand, the DeKalb County Clerk’s office will now have weekend hours. The Office of the County Clerk and Recorder handles all records and elections within the county. Beginning Dec. 1, the office will now be open from 9 a.m. to...

Early voting begins on campus

By Samantha Brockett | October 22, 2012

DeKalb County offered early voting and registration in the Holmes Student Center’s Art Gallery Lounge on Monday. Students and residents can register if they missed the deadline to register in October. Early voting and registration are being offered...

Former county chief civil assistant faces scrutiny

By Erin Kolb | October 17, 2012

Editor's Note: Farrell, despite repeated attempts, could not be reached for comment. The Northern Star will continue to try to reach him. Allegations have surfaced regarding the Friday resignation of John Farrell, former DeKalb County chief civil assistant....

Register to vote: here is everything you need to know

By Alan Kozeluh | September 10, 2012

The conventions are over and election season is in full gear. Are you registered to vote? According to the website of John Acardo, DeKalb County clerk and recorder, if you have moved to DeKalb County you must re-register with your new address in order...

Running Start program hosts ‘Elect Her’ event, canceled due to low attendance

By Joe Palmer | March 21, 2012

The Capitol Room of the Holmes Student Center was home to the Running Start “Elect Her” program Wednesday afternoon. The event was sponsored by the Women’s Resource Center and was going to be focused on the importance of involving young women in...

New legislation may change voter identification requirements

By Mary Diamond | March 19, 2012

Voters in Illinois may be required to show photo identification at the polls on election day, if current legislation is passed. SB2496 was introduced by Illinois State Senator Kyle McCarter in October of 2011 and is co-sponsored by 15 other republican...