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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Donald Grady

Grady sues for job, citing discrimination

By Kelly Bauer | February 20, 2014

Don Grady, the NIU Police Department’s former chief, wants his job back with a public apology from the university, back pay and damages.Grady has filed a civil rights lawsuit against the Board of Trustees and former NIU President John Peters, among...

Williams placed on paid leave following FBI's search

Williams placed on paid leave following FBI’s search

By Kelly Bauer | March 8, 2013

Eddie Williams, chief of operations and executive vice president of Finance and Facilities, has been placed on paid leave following Wednesday's FBI probe. According to a news release from the university, the choice was made "in light of recent events."...

Williams not fit for position

By Northern Star Editorial Board | November 27, 2012

The Northern Star Editorial Board doesn’t think Eddie Williams, executive vice president and chief of operations for Finance and Facilities, is doing his job. Since the summer, the Finance and Facilities division at NIU has been through controversies...

Grady requested FBI assistance with NIU coffee fund investigations

By Felix Sarver | November 19, 2012

The FBI was asked to help investigate two NIU administrators who had resigned, according to the Chicago Tribune. According to the Chicago Tribune, NIU Police Chief Donald Grady asked the FBI for assistance about two months ago. Grady asked for help in...

Allegations of misdeeds revealed

By Felix Sarver | September 6, 2012

Allegations of misconduct behind the resignation and retirement of two former NIU employees came to light in the Chicago Tribune Wednesday. Former Convocation Center Director John Gordon and Robert Albanese, former associate vice president of Finances...

Chicago Tribune reports on alleged unethical practices of Gordon, Albanese

By Northern Star Staff | September 5, 2012

An article in the Chicago Tribune today focuses on former NIU employees Robert Albanese and John Gordon and the different reasons for their leaving. According to the article, Gordon, former Convocation Center director, allegedly had a Convocation Center...

University lacks transparency, should have external review

By Editorial Board | August 27, 2012

If we can be bold enough to quote President Barack Obama, “Government should be transparent.” The Editorial Board of the Northern Star believes this statement applies to NIU, not just because it is a state university, but because, ethically, it should...

NIU investigation into coffee fund continues

By Felix Sarver and Kelly Bauer | August 27, 2012

NIU’s investigation into the “coffee fund” continues. On Aug. 3, the Daily Chronicle reported the alleged existence of a coffee fund. Bill Kunkel, head of transportation at the DeKalb Iron and Metal Company (DIMCO), told the Daily Chronicle several...

NIU announces administrative changes in Finance & Facilities

By Kelly Bauer | August 2, 2012

According to a press release, Eddie Williams, NIU executive vice president for business and finance and chief of operations, has announced administrative changes within the department. Jeffrey Daurer will now oversee the NIU Physical Plant, including...

Jenkins named Convo. director after Gordon’s resignation

By Northern Star Staff | July 31, 2012

Norm Jenkins, Holmes Student Center associate director, has been named the acting director of the NIU Convocation Center. Paul Palian, director of media and public relations, said John Gordon, the Convocation Center's previous director, resigned. Jenkins,...