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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Mohawk storyteller shares origin tales, morals

By Shaz Sheikhali | November 13, 2013

Mohawk storyteller Kay Olan shared Iroquois tales with students Tuesday in Cole Hall.Olan — whose Mohawk name is Ionataiewas — is a public school teacher with 33 years of experience, a professional story teller, and is soon to be featured on a documentary...

Pass/Fail: Iroquois stories to be shared, Trojan study not legitimate

By Danny Cozzi | November 12, 2013

Pass: Iroquois stories to be sharedMohawk storyteller Kay Olan will tell tradition Iroquois tales tonight, according to NIU Today.Olan’s stories will "explore the life of ancient and modern Native Americans" and "illuminate the tradition of storytelling...