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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Education students teach overseas

By Lindsey Salvatelli | August 31, 2017

DeKALB — Students in the College of Education had a unique opportunity to test their academic achievements outside of the country in one of NIU’s premier programs.Educate Global, which was offered over the summer, was designed to provide undergraduate...

6 free local book exchanges

By Northern Star staff | August 23, 2016

Libraries that are open 24/7 sound far-fetched, but there are already several in DeKalb.Although the library is open 24/7, no one can go inside. Little Free Library, a global program, is a free book exchange where people can take-a-book and leave-a-book...

Dean of education to focus on cuts, budget

Dean of education to focus on cuts, budget

By Julia Martinez | April 7, 2016

Laurie Elish-Piper, newly appointed dean of the College of Education, said she has already reduced 11 percent of spending by using the college’s budget effectively and not cutting employees or programming.Elish-Piper was acknowledged as a Presidential...

Program connects students with alumni, enhances skills

Program connects students with alumni, enhances skills

By Salta Kendor | November 30, 2014

Students are able to apply for an alumni mentorship program expected to start in spring, with orientations for applicants over the next two months.The NIU Student-Alumni Mentoring Program is designed to connect local alumni to students and allow students...

Program shows reading is fun

By Alissa Jacob | March 24, 2014

The Boys and Books program went to West Elementary this month to show young boys how fun reading can be.The Boys and Books program is one of several programs offered by the Jerry L. Johns Literacy Clinic, 3100 Sycamore Road, suite 2003. The program enhances...

Chih-Chen Lee replies to an open floor discussion about the grade appeal policy at the University Council Meeting in the Holmes Student Center Wednesday afternoon.

NIU owed $47.3 million from state of Illinois

By Joe Palmer | April 11, 2012

NIU President John Peters discussed the university’s fiscal situation Wednesday at University Council. University Council held a meeting Wednesday in the Holmes Student Center Sky Room. Peters’ introductory announcement focused on the state of the...

Linda Sons talks about the Faculty und Foundation Scholarships at the Faculty Senate Meeting Wednesday at the Holmes Student Center.

Faculty Senate discusses changes to faculty workload policy

By Joe Palmer | March 7, 2012

The Faculty Senate met Wednesday and discussed possible changes to workload policies for faculty. The current workload policies are handled on a college basis, and no university-wide policy currently exists. The current policy draft was put to the floor...

Budget priorities statement approved by University Council

By Candice Beasley | April 27, 2011

The Resources, Space and Budget committee statement of budget priorities was approved by the University Council on Wednesday afternoon during its final meeting for the semester. University Council Co-Chair Laurie Elish-Piper presented the budget priorities...

NIU Literacy Clinic helps out grades K-12

By Danny Cozzi | March 21, 2011

DeKALB | The NIU Literacy Clinic, 3100 Sycamore Road, provides diagnostic assessments as well as individual or group tutoring for any students, from kindergarten through high school senior, that struggle with reading. The clinic was founded in the 1950s...