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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Top 10 relationship breakers

By Erica Wood-Bedi | November 19, 2012

10. Opposite-sex friendships: A lot of people think it’s OK to have a close friend of a different sex. The problem is the uncertainty it creates in your partner’s mind. If you care for that person, then he or she should be your first concern. Why...

Facing failures can be a key to success

By Cody Laplante | November 14, 2012

We have all been there: a class where the instructor asks a question and nobody answers. It’s awkward and everyone feels it. All eyes are on you. You know the answer but you don’t want to raise your hand. In almost every class that I am in this has...

Understanding your bad habits can help you break them

By Holly New | November 12, 2012

I have a habit of trying to start my columns with a catchy introduction. Our lives are full of habits. However, not all habits are bad. Simple things like brushing your teeth when you wake up or washing your hands when you use the restroom are considered...

Parties just aren’t for everyone

By Hayley Devitt | November 12, 2012

“I’m so bored! This is awkward! Why did I come?” Sound familiar? Maybe you’ve given your best effort to mingling at parties and being more sociable. However, if you’ve run the party gamut and still find yourself unbearably uncomfortable in a...

Top 10 reasons to persevere when life things get tough

By Erica Wood-Bedi | November 11, 2012

10. My son: I am acutely aware that he is paying attention to everything I do or don’t do. It’s so overwhelming to think my missteps could affect his wellbeing. But this burden also propels me to try harder, to face everything the new day might throw...

Tips to handle daily chaos

By Holly New | November 7, 2012

Feel like your life is chaotic? Friday is National Chaos Never Dies Day. That’s right: a celebration for all the chaos in our lives. It’s obvious that life’s chaos will never go away, but even science explains how chaos is unavoidable. Entropy,...

Ten things I failed at and why that’s a good thing

By Erica Wood-Bedi | November 4, 2012

10. Music: If you ever heard me play the flute, you would know I was not destined to be a musician. In ninth grade I had to make the choice between the student newspaper and the band. Clearly, I was destined to be a writer, not a musician. Failing at...

Holding onto your goals can be the path to success

By Kayla Nebel | October 31, 2012

Here is your sign. It’s time to wake up. We all have our own reasons for being in college. The reasons are as diverse as the individuals here at the university, and I’m not telling you the right reason for being here. But for whatever ambition that...

Tips to staying wide awake during class

By Kayla Nebel | October 23, 2012

I’ll call you a liar if you say you’ve never fallen asleep in class. I’m very studious and I strive for the greatest grades I can possibly earn, but even I sleep in class. I had times during the day in high school where I was surprised if I stayed...

What can you learn from your roommate?

By Cody Laplante | October 22, 2012

The honeymoon phase has come to a close and roommate bickering is at its highest. The CA’s are pulling out roommate agreements and you are about ready to pull your hair out. Yes, I know you have been living with this absolutely unreasonable person since...

Top 10 reasons to volunteer your time

By Erica Wood-Bedi | October 21, 2012

10. Learn about different cultures: You may have come from one of Chicago’s racially segregated neighborhoods where you rarely saw people who didn’t look, act or talk like you. Volunteering in an impoverished community allows you to meet people with...

Lessons learned from childhood melodies

By Erica Wood-Bedi | October 7, 2012

Top 10 Children’s Songs with Relevant Life Lessons 1. Jack and Jill (went up the hill...): The lesson here is never trust a man to lead the way. Make your own path and don’t follow blindly behind anyone, even if he is wearing a crown. 2. Be Kind to...