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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Sensible gifts make for better wish lists

By Beth Schumacher | December 5, 2012

Christmas is just about three weeks away. If your family is anything like mine, it’s more than likely they’ve asked for a detailed holiday wish list from you. Before I came to college, my list consisted of things I didn’t necessarily need. I wanted...

Being pretentious has its benefits

By Troy Doetch | December 4, 2012

On the third floor of Reavis Hall, twenty-something 20-somethings had read a fictional story I wrote, in a particularly good week this semester, when a burst of optimistic energy overpowered my perpetual introverted cringe. The students of Writing Fiction...

Protect the right to petition

By Holly New | December 4, 2012

Our right to petition is guaranteed to us under the First Amendment, but I think it’s gone too far. In later November, a petition was filed to President Barack Obama for the removal of Jerry Jones, owner and GM of the Dallas Cowboys. The petition cited...

Holidays are for celebrating the things you already have

By Anthony Szudarski | December 3, 2012

It’s about that time of year again: Finals week is almost upon us, the semester is ending, and oh yes, that wonderful holiday is just around the corner--Xmas. No need to read that twice, I said Xmas. Now, before you write that wonderful introduction...

First Amendment still applies today

By Holly New | December 2, 2012

Even baby Jesus can’t come without controversy. For the 17th time, the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) has placed its “Natural Nativity Scene” in the first-floor rotunda in the Wisconsin State Capitol, located in Madison. This scene depicts...

Top 10 ways to beat the Holiday slump

By Erica Wood-Bedi | December 2, 2012

10. Volunteer: Several sites suggest spending time helping others over the holiday break. Contact Toys for Tots, United Way or a local food bank. I’m sure they won’t turn down whatever help you can provide during this busy season. 9. Start a blog:...

Men and women don’t always agree on humor

By Katie Finlon | November 27, 2012

There really are two types of humor—there’s humor, and then there’s girl humor. A friend of mine brought this up to me about six months ago, and I’ve kept mulling over the idea since then. He brought up the point that very rarely do you see the...

Life is all about perspective

By Holly New | November 27, 2012

I am a wealthy individual. Between the three jobs that I juggle, I bring in about $16,000 annually. I barely exceed the poverty line—in the U.S., that is. But what defines poverty depends on where we are talking about. According to a BBC News interactive...

Top 10 things your parents told you that are worth noting

By Erica Wood-Bedi | November 25, 2012

10. Don’t stuff your mouth: I tell my son this all the time, but it’s true. I’m so happy when I see him savoring flavors rather than gobbling down all of his food. It means he’s enjoying the journey. 9. R-e-s-p-e-c-t: In a given day I might talk...

Don’t take feelings so seriously

By Katie Finlon | November 19, 2012

I was reading the most recent issue of Cosmo the other day, and one of the articles was “12 Ways to Piss a Girl Off.” Anyone who knows me personally could tell you I find that sort of statement hilarious—I mean, what’s so different about the things...

How to celebrate Thanksgiving as a vegetarian

By Hayley Devitt | November 19, 2012

The hardest part of going vegetarian and coming to a family dinner is turning down food that someone made with love for you. Many won’t understand, will worry about your nutrition or think you’re being rude. However, with time and a little practice,...

Tips to having a successful Thanksgiving

By Beth Schumacher | November 19, 2012

Thanksgiving is only two days away, which means planning is in order. Whether you’re trekking to a family member’s house for turkey day or staying at home, it’s in your best interest to have a strategy. I’ve comprised a list from over the years...