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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Hate group posts flyers on campus

By Madison Kacer | October 19, 2017

DeKALB — NIU has been added to the list of what the Southern Press Law Center approximates to be 241 college campuses nationwide that have been targeted for campaigning purposes by hate group Identity Evropa.The posters, upon which were written phrases...

Freeman assumes presidency with $360K base salary

By Angela L. Pagan | June 28, 2017

Acting President Lisa Freeman speaks after accepting her new position at a Wednesday Board of Trustees meeting. 

The program will be led by Harlan Teller, interim vice president of the Division of Marketing and Communications. Teller is a 1973 alumnus who oversees Teller Consulting and serves on the Lipman Hearne board of advisors.

Enrollment divisions merge

By Madison Kacer | December 1, 2016

The program will be led by Harlan Teller, interim vice president of the Division of Marketing and Communications. Teller is a 1973 alumnus who oversees Teller Consulting and serves on the Lipman Hearne board of advisors.

Daniel Eiland, sophomore electrical engineering major, talks about the police report he filed regarding the racial slurs he was called off-campus Thursday. He said he remained calm when four men in a silver pickup truck called out racial slurs at him, saying Eiland doesn’t belong in their town.

Racial slurs prompt report

By Madison Kacer | November 14, 2016

Daniel Eiland, sophomore electrical engineering major, talks about the police report he filed regarding the racial slurs he was called off-campus Thursday. He said he remained calm when four men in a silver pickup truck called out racial slurs at him, saying Eiland doesn’t belong in their town.

Even after trailing in the projected polls on Election Day, President-elect Donald Trump was able to win more than the necessary 270 electoral votes by flipping swing states. Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Texas, originally projected to be “blue” states, were key wins in his victory to become president over Secretary Hillary Clinton.

Trump flips swing states for win

By Nicole Scott | November 10, 2016

Even after trailing in the projected polls on Election Day, President-elect Donald Trump was able to win more than the necessary 270 electoral votes by flipping swing states. Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Texas, originally projected to be “blue” states, were key wins in his victory to become president over Secretary Hillary Clinton.

Diverse administrative programs recommended to restructure

By Madison Kacer | May 3, 2016

Many administrative programs dedicated to diversity and inclusion were categorized as in need of transformation in the program prioritization reports released Monday.Program prioritization, which began in 2014, uses task forces to create reports that...

Reports explain resource allocation

By Madison Kacer | May 2, 2016

DeKalb | After program prioritization reports are released at 3 p.m. today, shared governance groups and NIU community members will be asked to provide feedback about the reports.Program prioritization, which began in 2014, uses task forces to create...

New NIU employees paid more

By Madison Kacer | April 25, 2016

DeKalb | NIU faculty members have encountered a salary inversion, which occurs when new hires are offered higher wages than current faculty members, due in part to the lack of state funding at NIU.It has been several years since current NIU staff and...

Kathryn Olson, senior environmental studies major, shows two-year-old Eleanor Burlingame how to make paper-bag trees on Saturday at the Green Family fun day in Haish Gym.

Earth Week

By Madison Kacer | April 18, 2016

Kathryn Olson, senior environmental studies major, shows two-year-old Eleanor Burlingame how to make paper-bag trees on Saturday at the Green Family fun day in Haish Gym.

Student Association to vote for speaker

By Madison Kacer | March 31, 2016

Members of the Student Association Senate will vote on one of three Senate speaker nominees for the upcoming one-year term, which begins after the last Senate session in May.The duties of the senate speaker include leading the legislative branch; allocating...

NIU certifies 9 ‘green offices’

By Madison Kacer | March 24, 2016

Nine offices have been certified under the revamped NIU Green Office Initiative, which began at the start of the semester.The NIU Green Office Initiative seeks to make offices more environmentally friendly with minor and feasible tasks in the offices...

James Zanayed, Student Association Supreme Court justice, speaks prior to being elected as the SA student trustee. Zanayed received 28 of 30 possible votes for the trustee position Sunday. Read more at

Student trustee to focus on budget, safety

By Madison Kacer | March 7, 2016

The Student Association Senate approved James Zanayed, SA Supreme Court justice, as student trustee with an outcome of 28-1-1.The student trustee fills one of the eight trustee positions on the Board of Trustees with voting power equal to the other seven....