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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Make back up plans when searching for apartments

By Faith Mellenthin | January 28, 2016

For those who live in apartments or plan to, preparing several backup plans for the school year is the safest way to guarantee a student will have a place to stay.There are many steps that go toward securing a place to live, and at this point it is too...

Masons plan to open ‘fun center’

By Keisha Howerth | April 20, 2014

Mason Properties has plans to build a bowling alley, restaurant and laundromat on South Fourth Street.Owner Jim Mason and co-owner Linda Mason want to put a family fun and college center in place of the former Sullivan’s Foods on South Fourth Street.Mason...

Live smart to save money

By Jim Mason | February 19, 2014

Simple things like running your heat in the winter, getting renters insurance or the meaning of a signed contract are too often disregarded. I am here to give a few common sense tips to living on your own for the first time.When you sign a contract you...

No injuries in apartment fire

By Joe Palmer | February 11, 2013

No one was hurt in a fire reported at 10:37 a.m. today at 921 Normal Road. Fire Chief Eric Hicks said the DeKalb Fire Department responded to the call with its full complement of service vehicles and had assistance from Sycamore, Cortland and Malta fire...

New housing ordinaces to go into effect next month

By Robert Baird | December 5, 2012

New housing ordinances are now being implemented in January for DeKalb residents, as DeKalb City Council approved the changes last month. Rental property owners and tenants will now have to abide by various regulations and licensing requirements set forth...

Jennifer Schmitt, sophomore physical therepy major, checks the
smoke detector in her townhome Tuesday night.

Students should take “precautionary measures” during Campus Safety Month

By Lauren Dielman | September 27, 2011

September marks Campus Safety Month, and local organizations urge students to be aware of smoke detectors and ensure proper operation. Lt. Darrin Hepker from the Sycamore Fire Department said college students need to take precautionary measures related...

Junior psychology major, Lauren Pagan feeds her fish, Mr.

Prof: Pets may add or take away from the stress of busy college students

By Hailey Kurth | September 27, 2011

Junior psychology major, Lauren Pagan said having a cat in her apartment keeps life interesting and is a great conversation starter when people come over. "At the apartment we have a cat, hamster, fish and a tarantula," Pagan said. "My cat Wednesday is...

Apartment safety tips from the DeKalb fire and Police departments

By Zachary Brictson | January 31, 2011

 DeKalb's police and fire departments have advice for staying safe in an apartment. "Do your best to know your neighbors," said DeKalb Police Lt. Gary Spangler. Spangler said it's always important for renters to be aware of their surroundings and of...