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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Point/Counterpoint: Friend zone

Point/Counterpoint: Friend zone

By Godwin Thomas | April 16, 2018

  Point/Counterpoint: Friend zone Friend-zoning occurs when someone wants a romantic relationship, despite their friend wanting a platonic one, according to a 2014 study by Bowling Green State University.Its possible to escape the zoneGodwin ThomasThose...

Real men can wear makeup

By Hayley Devitt | April 23, 2013

It rubs the tinted moisturizer on its skin or else it gets the hose again. Fans of pop punk bands circa 2005 are undoubtedly familiar with the phenomenon of “guyliner,” but what about average guys wearing makeup for their everyday existence? Typically,...

Illinois should allow women to go topless

Illinois should allow women to go topless

By Jennifer Irocky | June 16, 2011

In some states, it is legal for women to be topless. Yes, this means nothing covering their breasts.Hawaii, Texas, New York, Maine, Ohio and some parts of California allow women to go bare-chested in public.But not here. No, not in Illinois. Women must...

Thank you for your concern, but I’m actually not a damsel in distress

Thank you for your concern, but I’m actually not a damsel in distress

By Jessica Jenks | November 7, 2010

When I was a child, I was only allowed to ride my bike up and down the street I lived on. I was not allowed to cross the street until I was old enough. Of course, "old enough" was an age my parents never defined. Then once I was finally allowed to ride...

Get ready No-Shave November

Get ready No-Shave November

By Jessica Jenks | October 18, 2010

November is the time of year when boys become men. Ladies, beware, at midnight on the first, No-Shave November commences; a month long pageant for boys to show off their rugged manliness. Much beer drinking and meat eating coincide with this month-long...