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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

A graphic shows a man contemplating between two different sides: one filled with images of books and tests, the other with football and partying. Opinion Columnist Santiago Montañez Bertoletti believes that homecoming's placement in late fall semester presents unnecessary conflicts in a college student's life. (Jackson Shields | Northern Star)

Homecoming’s timing should change

By Santiago Montañez Bertoletti, Opinion Columnist | November 10, 2024

Homecoming is a special date for all colleges. It is a time of celebration, where reunited fraternities and sororities meet from far away, friends celebrate and the university prepares to show off to parents why it was a good choice for their children....

Dracula sucks from a pouch of blood between two other students while his professor says, "Mr. Dracula, what did we say about drinking in class??" No matter how hard or frustrating instructions for midterms are, always remember to stay hydrated. And always drink water, unless you are Dracula. (Daniela Barajas | Northern Star)

Cartoon: Midterm sucks

By Daniela Barajas, Cartoonist | October 11, 2024

Barsema Alumni and Visitors Center remained open for voters waiting in line on Nov. 8, 2022 in DeKalb, IL.

Civic duty, comfy shoes discussed at Barsema during dusk of Election Day

By Evan Mellon, News Reporter | November 8, 2022

DeKALB – NIU students and DeKalb residents offered their opinions about polling and voting in the 2022 midterm election at the closing polls at Barsema Alumni and Visitors Center.   Alannis Munoz, a senior political science major at NIU Why...

#iVote campaign promotes efficacy

#iVote campaign promotes efficacy

By Peter Zemeske | November 4, 2018

Music artists from around the country have been offering free concert tickets for people who have voted in the midterm elections. The #iVoted campaign, founded by artist manager Emily White, is giving fans the chance to win free tickets to see their favorite...

Bruce Rauner

Bruce Rauner

By The Associated Press | October 15, 2015

Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner gives a thumbs up outside his polling place at Sacred Heart Center in Winnetka on Election Day, Tuesday.

Senior biology major Tymeka Branch collects her ballot from election judge Toney Xidis Tuesday at the Barsema Alumni and Visitors Center.

DeKalb’s midterm turnout falls

By Brennan Schneider | November 5, 2014

DeKalb County saw a slight decrease in voter turnout for midterms, moving from 51 percent turnout in 2010 to 49 percent for Election Day Tuesday.In the 2010 midterms, 57,102 people were registered to vote and only 29,197 voted. This election, 58,482 people...

Vote in midterm elections

By Northern Star Editorial Board | October 28, 2014

Students should take advantage of voting ahead of the Nov. 4 midterm elections.The top two governor contenders — Democrat Pat Quinn and Republication Bruce Rauner — have opposing plans for the state’s budget, and that will affect how NIU will receive...

Pass/Fail: First 5,000 gun licenses sent out, Teachers assign work over break

By Blake Glosson | March 6, 2014

Pass: First 5,000 gun licenses sent outThe first 5,000 licenses from more than 50,000 Illinois applicants for concealed carry were approved and mailed on Friday, according to the Chicago Tribune.This marks a long-anticipated moment following a December...

Midterms stressful, but not the end of the world

By Danny Cozzi | March 2, 2014

Professors don’t use midterms to torture us as if we were war criminals at Guantanamo Bay — at least I don’t think they do.Regardless of how I feel about insanity-inducing exams, they are useful beyond knocking students’ grades down a few letters.“[Midterms...

Praise to the almighty god of the exam: Scantron

By Dan Martynowicz | February 29, 2012

Midterms are awesome for several reasons. Ok, maybe not awesome but kinda cool. Well, not kinda cool, but decent. Ha, no no, not decent. My bad team, it’s much more like terrible. Spring break is on the horizon. The weather is beautiful, the sun is...

Students should be more patient with campus tours

Students should be more patient with campus tours

October 24, 2011

Between the seventh and ninth week of school, students realize they are halfway done with the semester. After hearing someone in Neptune ask why they would have tours during midterms, I wondered if this was an appropriate time. At first, I thought tours...

Study space series: Holmes Student Center provides more than one option

Study space series: Holmes Student Center provides more than one option

By Kyla Gardner | March 9, 2011

Don't exhale just yet; it's still midterms week. You've got plenty of time to log some study hours. Follow the Northern Star through its weekly installment of the best study spaces on campus and around DeKalb to find a place to hunker down with your textbooks,...