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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Distribution of wealth widespread

By Troy Doetch | October 1, 2012

There are a few anachronisms in everyday life I cannot help but find adorable: when someone’s parents say car phone instead of cellphone, or even cellphone instead of just phone; when a professor asks for a complete link to a web source in the works...

Social networking site gives ‘up-to-the-minute’ news

By Leah Spagnoli | September 17, 2012

How do you use your 140 characters when writing a tweet? For most, Twitter—a San Francisco-based information network—is a way to socialize with friends, share photos and read celebrity gossip. The real time network “connects you to the latest stories,...

Reality TV impacting USA too much

By Anthony Szudarski | August 29, 2012

Have you ever watched Jersey Shore and thought “Man, I could do that and be funnier?” Well, maybe you can. Brett Cohen, a 21-year-old resident of New York, was able to do just that. By hiring a couple guys off of Craigslist to follow him around and...

New SA executive officers announced

By Felix Sarver | March 28, 2012

The new Student Association executive officers have been decided. Delonte LeFlore will be president, Gina Gregolunas will be vice president, Joshua Venaas will be treasurer and Elliot Echols will be student trustee. All four ran on the same ticket. Derek...

GOP Presidential Candidates review, in Haiku

By Aaron Brooks | March 19, 2012

Mitt Romney   On cold snowy nights, your dad sat hungry sobbing. Romney got a raise.   Winter was pushed aside. The trees are just the right height, around Michigan.   A hot sweaty kiss. For everyone except the Mormon, no one wants Romney   On Halloween...

Super Tuesday holds surprises for Santorum

By Joe Palmer | March 6, 2012

Santorum fights back and Romney widens the gap after Super Tuesday’s primaries. Nine states held Republican primary elections Tuesday, with seven states hosting primary votes, and two holding caucus votes. 410 total delegates for the Republican National...


Election profile: Republican presidential primary

By Joe Palmer | February 29, 2012

Name: Newton Leroy “Newt” GingrichAge: 68Birthplace: Harrisburg, Pa.Education: B.A. in history from Emory University; M.A. and Ph.D. in modern European history from Tulane University.Notable Career History: Assistant professor at West Georgia College...

Republican GOP Debate: Winners and Losers

By Parker Happ | October 12, 2011

Tuesday, The Washington Post and Bloomberg sponsored the third Republican Presidential Debate at Dartmouth College. Columnist Parker Happ weighs in on the winners, losers, and surprise finisher at the debate. Losers Rick Perry Perry was not the cool,...

Religion has no place in politics

By Parker Happ | September 12, 2011

At the Reagan Library Republican debates, Herman Cain outlined his plan to promote business in our stagnating markets. Cain argued that in order to get America back on track, government needs to eliminate the current tax code and institute a 9 percent...